Pregnancy after tummy tuck complications

Tummy Tuck Complications and Pregnancy

Tummy Tuck surgery is best performed after your pregnancy (pregnancies). Weight gain associated with additional child bearing after a tummy tuck is likely to compromise the result.

It is conceivable that a revision (second tummy tuck surgery) would be of benefit, if the abdominal tissues are stretched again, by pregnancy.

In cosmetic surgery, timing of the operation is quite important to obtain a lasting result.  (Douglas J. Raskin, MD, DMD, Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy after tummy tuck complications

Pregnancy after abdominoplasty complications

I personally will not perform a tummy tuck which involves muscle repair on anyone who tells me they intend on future pregnancies, period. However as many other surgeons astutely pointed out life plans change and a patient of mine and countless patients of other surgeons have had a tummy tuck and gone on to have uncomplicated pregnancies. The results of the tummy tuck may decay after the pregnancy and revision may be desired. (Vishnu Rumalla, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy After A Tummy Tuck?

The short answer to your question is yes, you CAN get pregnant after a tummy tuck. Your baby will be fine and your abdominal wall will slowly stretch as the baby grows. Only time will tell what your abdomen will look like after you deliver. You may need another surgery to correct the changes from the pregnancy.

Pregnancy after tummy tuck complications image

The best advice is be as sure as you can about being finished with your family. However, we all know that plans change and accidents happen. (Douglas L. Gervais, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon).

You should wait until the last ovum is gone unless you want to have another tummy tuck after the pregnancy. (Lawrence Foster, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

Having a baby post tummy tuck.

Hello. It is safe to have a baby after a tummy tuck. However, the purpose of having the surgery is to fix the abdomen from previous weight gain and or pregnancy. You will lose your results and more then likely will need another procedure to fix your abdomen again. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy is possible after tummy tuck but the results might be ruined.

Pregnancy after tummy tuck complications photo

An abdominoplasty often is indicated to fix aesthetic problems resulting from pregnancy. Getting pregnant after the operation is possible, but might undo many of the cosmetic improvements the operation yields. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy will likely undo a tummy tuck

Having a tummy tuck will not prevent or cause complications with pregnancy. If you are even considering more children I would advise against having a tummy tuck. Further pregnancies would likely undo the results of the tummy tuck. (Irvin M. Wiesman, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Am I able to get pregnant after a Tummy Tuck without complications?

Pregnancy after tummy tuck operation complications

Pregnancy is indeed possible after a tummy tuck, and should be safe for you and your baby. It’s probably not advisable, however, as the pregnancy will likely cause the same changes that led you to pursue tummy tuck surgery in the first place. In other words, you may feel like you need your tummy tuck re-done after a subsequent pregnancy.

I usually advise my patients to wait until they are confident their families are complete before having a tummy tuck. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck is compatible with pregnancy but it may jeopardize your cosmetic results.

I had a patient who got pregnant after her Tummy Tuck, done elsewhere. She delivered a healthy baby, at full term but “lost” the improvements of her Tummy Tuck, as the abdominal wall laxity returned and the skin stretched further. She had a secondary tummy tuck and got the results she wanted.

Pregnancy after tummy tuck surgery complications

As a PS, I generally counsel all patients considering Tummy Tucks to optimize their health beforehand and this includes not subjecting yourself to a repeat procedure because of unplanned pregnancy.(Lavinia Chong, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Ideally, you want to do the Tummy Tuck when you had your family and finished with your pregancies. Still, a Tummy tuck does not affect your ability to get pregnant. I have many patients who got pregnant after a Tummy Tuck and had normal course of pregnancy and normal delivery. Pregnancy can make your skin lax again and may separate the muscles that a revision may be needed. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

You can get pregnant after a tummy tuck without complications

The pregnancy after tummy tuck complications

Some people want to live and not be left with the ravages of pregnancy. A tummy tuck is a great option. While having a pregnancy after a tummy tuck is not advisable, it should not affect your ability to have a child. However, your initial result may be destroyed requiring an adittional procedure. (Robert M. Freund, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Children after Tummy Tuck

What if you get pregnant after an abdominoplasty? Not long ago, if you had your abdominal walls tightened, it was recommended that you not get pregnant again because of the increased risk (wholly speculative) of miscarriage.

While it doesn’t make much sense to tighten things only to have pregnancy loosen them again, you can, post-tuck, become pregnant and bring a healthy baby to term.

But if you are fairly certain that you want to have more kids, you should discuss this issue with your surgeon. (Michelle Copeland, MD, DMD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

It is ideal for you to wait till you are done having children before considering a tummy tuck procedure. However, if pregnancy occurs after your surgery, there is no negative impact on you and your baby besides that you may have changes to your body and may need a tummy tuck revision. More than likely, your body will go through the same changes leaving you with loose stretched skin and stretched rectus muscles. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, )