Pregnancy after tummy tuck medical questions
Should I have a tummy tuck before I am finished making babies?
Short answer is NO! Why on earth would you go through the expense and risk involved in the surgery to correct the changes to the abdomen resulting from pregnancy just to start all over again?
It just does not make sense to go through all the reconstructive part and then to go back to square one by having another baby.
Finish having your family first, then get everything fixed up. It just doesn’t make sense to do it any other way. (Claudio DeLorenzi, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck before finished having children
As you have read the previous expert posters 100% agree NOT to do this before you are finished having kids. I agree. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Wait until after you have kids for tummy tuck
You have hit on the main reason why we do tummy tucks: After pregnancy, no amount of exercise or diet will restore loose skin especially if there are stretch marks, or re-align the muscles if they have been separated. If you do have a tummy tuck and then become pregnant, it should not have any adverse effect on the pregnancy but you will lose the benefit of having the tummy tuck, and a second one later can be a lot more difficult. It isn’t as simple as just having to have another tummy tuck, so my advice is to wait. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Can I have a tummy tuck if I still want to have children?
Most plastic surgeons would recommend that you wait until you are done having children before having a tummy tuck. Probably the most effective part of the procedure involves tightening of the abdominal midline muscles and this repair would be disrupted with an additional pregnancy. If you are simply interested in addressing loose skin, a skin-only tuck could be performed but this would not give you as dramatic a result and as flat an abdomen as a traditional tummy tuck. (Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck and pregnancy
The typical answer is to wait until after pregnancy. The muscles that are tightened would be stretched out again by pregnancy. (David A. Lickstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Wait for tummy tuck until you are done with kids
A tummy tuck is a very common cosmetic surgery but actually carries risks that are higher than most other cosmetic surgeries. You should wait until you are done having kids if at all possible. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Pregnancy will offer hurt tummy tuck results.
The abdominoplasty should not hurt the ability to have a future child however the results of the abdominoplasty will certainly be lessened by another child. While a revision can always be performed, you have to decide if this is worth it to you. Is it worth having a cosmetic procedure now, enjoying how you look for 5 years, then having another baby and perhaps having to go through the expense, recovery, etc of another procedure.
Certainly there are ladies that do this so they can enjoy how they look if a child “may” be in the future down the road. (Evan Sorokin, MD, Cherry Hill Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck and pregnancy
While it is certainly possible to have a baby after a tummy tuck, it is not recommended to have a tummy tuck if you are planning to have more children. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)