Recovery from tummy tuck

For full tummy tucks, patients in our practice receive an On-Q pain pump which delivers local anesthetic into the surgical area. All patients spend a night (and sometimes more) at a licensed Aftercare facility. These two factors have made recovery from a tummy tuck much more civilized. Most patients require little or no narcotic pain shots, although they are available. They describe being sore when they are too active for about a week.

All sutures are self-dissolving.

Patients generally drive after 1 week, walk 5 miles on a flat surface after 2 weeks, and run after 4 weeks. For full workouts or yoga, we recommend gradually resuming heavy exercise after 6 weeks.

For follow up care, we see patients typically at Day 1, Day 3-4 and Day 7. If they live in the area, we typically see them back at 6 weeks and 6 months. Patients are welcome to come in more often, and usually do. (Brent Moelleken, MD
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from tummy tuck

Recovery from tummy tuck compression garment

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is one of the more painful and longer recoveries when it comes to cosmetic surgery. I generally tell patients to plan on being not themselves for about 6 weeks. During that time frame they wear a compression garment over the abdomen, avoid lifting object over 10#s and plan to not be able to stand up straight for several weeks. There are generally 2- 4 drains which stay in for 1-3 weeks. No aggressive physical activities can be performed for a least 4 weeks including weight training, running, sports, yoga etc.

All my patients are able to walk out of the surgery center and get up to go to the bathroom with minimal assistance. They get a pain pump to help control the pain for the first several days. In general they are on narcotic pain medications for 2-3 weeks. Follow up is pretty much weekly for the first month. While recovery is rough almost all patients are thrilled with the results as you can see from the reviews of the procedure and high approval rating. (Chad K. Wheeler, MD Spokane Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from tummy tuck picture

Tummy Tuck surgery is one of the larger procedures plastic surgeons offer. Then again some of us are better at them than others. Check out my wife 5 hours after I did hers in the video below. Pain pumps are pretty nice when used properly.

Overall recovery from tummy tuck is usually quoted to be 6-8 weeks but can be longer for more extreme exertion-related activities. Each practice runs the process a bit differently. (John P. Di Saia, MD Orange Plastic Surgeon)

For most patients, recovery from tummy tuck is 10 days to two-weeks. Of course, back-to-work depends on the type of work you do. In a high-demand physical job, you may not feel comfortable returning to work full-time for at least two weeks. However, in a office type setting, 10 days may be sufficient.

Recovery from tummy tuck abdominoplasty

The recovery time from tummy tuck varies from body shape to body shape, and from person to person depending on pain tolerance, anxiety level, etc. (Navin K. Singh, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)

There are variations on the tummy tuck operation which will have variable recovery rates. the main factor is whether the muscle has been tightened. It is the muscle manipulation which slows the recovery from tummy tuck. I tell my patients surgery on skin is less painful than muscle.

As a general rule, patients are off the pain medications by 5-7 days. Surgical drains need to be removed and this is usually between days 5 and 10. I will begin non core exercise after 2 weeks and wait 4-6 weeks before beginning core training.

Recovery from tummy tuck operation

Most people return to work by 10 days and full daily activity by 2-3 weeks. (Robert W. Kessler, MD, FACS Corona Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)

As the previous posts point out, recovery from tummy tuck varies depending on the patient and the extent of surgery. Pain can be minimized by the use of a “pain pump” such as the On-Q system which slowy infuses numbing medication (lidocaine, non-narcotic) through a tiny catheter into the surgical site for a few days. Another thing that I have found very helpful is the use of a technique called progressive tension sutures, which minimize the amount of time that the drain tube needs to stay in. (Richard Baxter, MD Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from abdominoplasty

For a tummy tuck surgery, we typically tell patients that recovery from tummy tuck generally takes about 2 weeks. You will have to walk bent over for the first 1-2 weeks to avoid tension on the incision. You will also have 2 drains in place over your pubic bone which are typically in place for 1-2 weeks depending on the drainage. We will provide you with a supportive abdominal binder to wear for 4 weeks. Patients can resume everyday activity within 1-2 weeks after surgery and can resume exercise and more vigorous activity 4-6 weeks after surgery. Patients typically take pain medication for 1-2 weeks depending on theextent of their surgery and whether or not the tummy tuck drains are still in place. (Robert Heck, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Everyone recovers differently from surgery, everyone handles pain differently. My patients are usually walking slightly bent forward to take tension off of the incision for the first 2 weeks. Drains are in for average of 2 weeks, some are removed sooner some later. It depends on the tummy tuck drainage in 24 hour period that will dictate when to remove the drain(less than 30 cc in 24 hours).

My recovery from tummy tuck

It can be hard to drive with drain tubes in, so you may need a driver during this time. At a month you are walking in the office still soar but functional.

This second two week period is different also for everyone. Usually at work at week 2-3 without lifting anything heavy. Walking as much as you can is important starting on the day of surgery. By 6 weeks you should be into a regular cardio program.

I tell people to start with machines instead of free weights and to start with light weight and build slowly. Crunches are off limits, it takes a long time for the plication to mature (sutures holding the muscles together). Crunches are begun when there is NO pain and with few reps and few sets building up slowly. (Paul Albear, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)