Recovery time for tummy tuck

Each person’s recovery is different, and yours will depend on how the surgery was performed and how your body is healing.

A feeling of tightness or pulling is normal for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the patient. If you are concerned, I would suggest contacting your surgeon.(Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, San Ramon Plastic Surgeon)

Every patient’s healing time varies. In general, most patients have discomfort, but not extreme pain, with standing completely straight for the first week or two.

But with time the tightness subsides and patients are gradually able stand completely straight without discomfort, usually around six weeks.

Every patient has a different recovery experience from a tummy tuck. Most patients can stand up straight after about a week or two. The pulling and tugging sensations may take a few months to disappear. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time for abdominoplasty

Recovery time for tummy tuck can take up to 3 to 6 months for the tightness to resolve. The tightness is from the tissue settling into its new position. This sensation may persist for a longer period, depending on how much skin and tissue were excised. Also, numbness can be present after the procedure for up to a year, which is completely normal. (Wandra K. Miles, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

It is not uncommon however, to have a tug or twinge as you increase your activity. In general, a full abdominoplasty is 75% healed in the first six weeks after surgery, but full recovery is reached at six months to one year. Please take it easy. Walk daily and begin some slow stretching exercises after you have been cleared to do so by your plastic surgeon.

Some patients find increased comfort in wearing their compression garment past six weeks, especially while exercising.(Rondi Kathleen Walker, MD, Washington Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery Time for full tummy tuck

Recovery time for tummy tuck photo

Recovery Time for full tummy tuck is about two weeks average. That doesn’t mean that you will be back to normal, just that you can return to usually activities of daily living. Standing up straight usually will take up to 2 weeks but in some cases, much longer, pain threshold has a lot to do with that. Complete return to all activities including intense exercise not before 3 months to allow six-pack repair adequate healing to avoid re-separation. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time for tummy tuck image

The recovery time for tummy tuck is a gradual process.

You should try to start walking less bent 1 week after surgery. Sometimes patients are afraid to stand completely straight because they think that sutures may come undone. Your surgeon would be able to give the final answer because he/she would know how tight the closure would have been and how cautious you would need to be. If at 5 weeks you are still feeling pulling and tightness you should start massaging those areas to breakdown the internal tummy tuck scar tissue. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck – Back to work in two weeks

Recovery time for tummy tuck operation

A lot of patients ask if a tummy tuck recovery is similar to a c-section. The answer is that it is variable, and I find that c-section recovery really doesn’t predict how your tummy tuck recovery will occur. Our recovery regimen is as follows:

  1. First two weeks no lifting greater than 10 lbs
  2. After two weeks, may walk on treadmill or use elliptical
  3. Week 4, begin to ramp up your exercise routine.
  4. Week 6 any sort of exercise is acceptable including situps. A big difference is if quick recovery techniques are used including nerve blocks with Marcaine or Exparel (Pramit Malhotra, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery period after a tummy tuck

I suspect that you will feel better every day. That tightness is good and gradually resolves over time. Sometimes, the tightness can last 3 months. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Wellesley Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time for tummy tuck surgery

Tugging/Pulling after Tummy Tuck

Based on your description, it sounds as if you had a large amount of loose muscle. I do find that return of abdominal strength and recovery directly related to degree of muscle laxity before tummy tuck surgery.

I believe these concerns should resolve over the next 2-3 months. I would followup closely with your plastic surgeon such that he/she can monitor your activity level and ensure you are not doing anything to damage your repair. I wish you a safe and healthy recovery. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Most people take 2 to 3 weeks to recover from Tummy Tuck

You should visit your doctor since you are having a prolonged recovery. Most people are doing well two to three weeks after surgery. If you are having continued pain or discomfort, you may have something going on which can be addressed. If your doctor examines you and everything seems to be fine, then you may just need to push yourself a little. Good luck with your tummy tuck recovery. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)