Results of a tummy tuck
You would get a dramatic and pleasing change from an abdominoplasty done by a skillful and experienced surgeon. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
You appear to have the body shape for a good tummy tuck result. You would need a medical evaluation in person from a board-certified plastic surgeon who can discuss all your options with you.
Based on your photos it does appear that you are a good candidate foe a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck will reduce your stretched, overhanging skin, and tighten your abdominal muscles providing a flatter appearing abdomen.
Based on your photos I think you would do very well with a tummy tuck. Find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who does a lot of this work.
Go to your consult, take notes, ask lots of questions, bring a friend ( four ears are better than two), ask to see photos. Now you have something to review and study, you also have the ability to choose the surgeon you believe will give you the best results. (Stephen M. Davis, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
- Results of a tummy tuck image
- Results of a tummy tuck operation
- Results of a tummy tuck surgery
You should be able to get a great tummy tuck as long as you go to the very best plastic surgeon and probably lose 20 pounds before surgery because 175 at 5’3″ is a little suboptimal for best results. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)