Skin only tummy tuck

Skin only tummy tuck is an option

If the abdomen is sound and there is very little muscle separation or diastasis, it is possible to have a tummy tuck without muscle repair or plication. After twins it is hard to imagine that you would not benefit though. The pregnancy three years after tummy tuck is not the best idea. If you are certain your family is not complete, wait things out and let the tummy tuck follow. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Cutaneous abdominopasty

A cutaneous abdominoplasty is always possible. The risk is that you dont get a firm abdomen afterwards. things tend to be a little bit boggy.

Skin only tummy tuck surgery

It would be unusual after twins not to benefit from some muscle tightening. dont do the operation halfway. If you are the type of woman who cant wait till after having all your children, you will not be happy unless you get the full effect (Jonathan Saunders, MD, Newark Plastic Surgeon)

Do them both

I have never seen a woman who had kids, especially twins who did not need her muscles tightened. There is no harm in doing it, and if it is not done and your tummy pooches out, you will not be a happy camper and no one will want to do it after a tummy tuck. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Without Muscle Tightening?

Skin only tummy tuck operation

Yes it is possible to do a “skin-only” tummy tuck, but the decision should be based upon your exam and physical findings. It appears that you can have a good outcome with this alone, but keep in mind that future pregnancies will change your overall outcome.

How much is based upon your anatomy – but it is possible that you would need a secondary tightening if you decide to become pregnant again. (Vincent P. Marin, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck without muscle tightening

Your decision to do a muscle tightening procedure with a tummy tuck should be based on physical exam and your desired outcome. Tightening the muscle definitely adds to the overall outcome by creating a more slender and taught abdomen. There is a little more discomfort with this procedure and doesn’t add a lot of time to the overall procedure.

Skin only tummy tuck image

The skin only procedure still elevates all the skin and fat above and below the belly button. Having children after a tummy tuck is definitely feasible, but you may suffer a similar fate after your next child as you still stretch the skin and muscle. This is true whether you tighten the muscle or not. One other option for you is a SlimLipo.

It has two laser wavelengths that can tightening skin and melt fat You might find that the tightening of the skin is sufficient for you, especially if you plan to have another child. This won’t give you as strong a result as a tummy tuck, but it is definitely a less invasive option and won’t preclude you from having a tummy tuck in the future when you know for sure you are done with having more kids. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

No harm from tightening the muscles in a tummy tuck

Skin only tummy tuck procedure

I don’t know what scares patients on line about a little tightening of the muscles in a tummy tuck. It is easy, safe and gives the flattest tummy you could get. Sure, it does add a little pain in recovery, but that it only temporary. After 3 kids including twins, there is virtually no way a little tightening wouldn’t be wise and help.

At least yours would be minimal from your photos. You can have kids later either way, muscle repair or not, but it really is wise to wait for any TT until you are done having babies. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)