Smoking and tummy tuck
Smoking before tummy tuck
The longer the better. You not only need to stop smoking for the period of time recommended by your plastic surgeon, you also need to be off any other form of nicotine, which is the culprit.
You must be off any nicotine containing gum or patch etc. (Ralph R. Garramone, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)
The longer time you are not smoking the better your body will heal.
I f you can do a few months before and after surgery you will be better off. (Stuart B. Kincaid, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Smoking and Tummy Tucks
The longer one has been off nicotine before a tummy tuck the better. The minimum time is 4 to 6 weeks before and AFTER surgery.
Based on this more ideal time frame you can see that it is best to have really quit nicotine all together before ever undergoing a tummy tuck.
Given what you are investing and the risks of what may happen, you should think of this body contouring goal as a two-stage procedure, permanently quitting smoking and then reward yourself with a tummy tuck after. As opposed to using the tummy tuck as a theoretical approach to getting off nicotine. And hoping it works long-term. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Smoking causes tissue loss and wound breakdown
Many surgeons will not operate electively on smokers, PERIOD. Stopping smoking a month ahead of time will reduce the risks of tissue loss, wound breakdown and scarring. However the damage done by smoking to the small blood vessels of the skin by the previous 10-20 years smoking is not reversible and a suboptimal result is always more likely than with a non smoker. Continuing smoking up to the day of surgery increases the risks exponentially.
The other thing about smokers is that, like all addicts, they lie. Fortunately, we have blood tests that will determine if the patient has been smoking recently. In such cases the surgery will be cancelled. Finally, smokers, once they have had the surgery, often resume their habit. This is just as bad. Wounds will break down even after they have healed. The unfortunate plastic surgeon has no choice but to await the inevitable lawsuit. (J. Brian Boyd, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Stop Smoking as long as you possibly can before your tummy tuck!
I always tell my patients that the longer they can go without nicotine before a tummy tuck the better their chances of avoiding problems. The minimum amount of time I would accept would by one month (and gums and patches are no better as far as healing).
It is also important to understand that even with careful abstinence from nicotine for a month before and a month after surgery, your risks will remain higher than for someone who has never been a smoker- but abstaining will at least make those risks more acceptable. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
- Smoking hookah and tummy tuck
- Smoking cigar and tummy tuck
- Smoking and tummy tuck photo
- Smoking and tummy tuck operation
Smoking and tummy tuck do not mix
I advise patients that smoke to be completely off nicotine products for six weeks prior to surgery, as well as throughout the recovery period. Nicotine can negatively affect wound healing and increase rates of infection. It is important to note that cigarettes are not the only issue – it is nicotine. For those quitting smoking, nicotine gum or the nicotine patch are not good alternatives. (Mennen T. Gallas, MD, Katy Plastic Surgeon)
How Long Should You Stop Smoking Before Tummy Tuck?
The most important time is after surgery, and even one cigarette can set off a cascade of effects that can result in an open wound. I ask my patients to stop a month before, so that they are largely over the worst craving at the time of surgery, and least likely to light up after surgery, when the risk is highest. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)