The tummy tuck
Candidate and options for the tummy tuck to address excess abdominal skin and repair of the diastatis recti
Based on the photos, you appear to be a candidate for the full tummy tuck. During this procedure, you can have the surgeon address your excess abdominal skin and repair the diastasis.
Consult in person with 3 experienced and expert board certified plastic surgeons to understand your options and the position/type of scars. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
You appear to be an excellent candidate for an Abdominoplasty so go on some consults.
Would I be a good candidate for tummy tummy tuck? Do I need liposuction?
It appears that you would be an excellent candidate for a full abdominoplasty. Surgeons have a differing opinion on this, but I also prefer a low incision.
However, in order to set the incision very low, there is a chance that the incision around the belly button will not be removed entirely.
This leaves you with a short vertical incision. In my opinion, this vertical scar is less noticeable than a higher transverse incision. I’d rather keep the transverse incision low so that it is concealed by your clothes, bathing suit, underwear, etc. It seems that you would also benefit from some liposuction of your flanks. Both of these procedures would be done at the same time. Consultation with your plastic surgeon will help you decide which procedures are best for you. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
- The tummy tuck photo
- The tummy tuck operation
- The tummy tuck before
- The tummy tuck abdominoplasty
The tummy tuck candidate
You appear to be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. The diastasis can be repaired and your excess abdominal skin can be removed (without a vertical scar). Consult with a few plastic surgeons for a complete exam in person.Best wishes (William Bruno, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Thank for posting pictures with your question and the detailed info of pregnancies. Yes you are a very good candidate for the tummy tuck. You have stretch mark all over your abdomen and it seem you have moderate diastasis. In order to get a flat abdomen you need to tight your muscles. Liposuction is recommended in your case to obtain a curvier figure and add more shape to waist. (Kelvin Eusebio, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)