Tightness after tummy tuck

It is normal to feel tightness for quite some time after a tummy tuck. Typically patients are able to stand straight after a week or two, but every patient is different.

The abdominal wall is repaired and tightened with sutures with the incision site pulled tightly to provide a desired result.

It is important not to put too much pressure on it initially as to not cause damage to the sutures or cause unfavorable scarring, but after a two weeks you will not cause damage by slowing stretching out to the point of standing up.

It may be taking a little longer for you to heal because you also underwent the diastisis and umbilical hernia repair. I would slowly start stretching out to be able to stand up straight. (Tarick K. Smaili, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness after tummy tuck surgery

Being tight after an abdominoplasty is normal, although most of my patients can stand up straight. Your background in fitness and dance unfortunately does not confer any advantage in the speed of the healing process. You are much too early in the recovery period to be worried about the tightness of your abdominal wall. (Gary Lawton, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

It is normal to not be able to stand up straight after a tummy tuck. This will gradually improve within the first month. Best of luck! (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Wellesley Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness after a tummy tuck.

Tightness after tummy tuck photo

It can be normal to be tight even at 2 1/2 weeks following surgery. The degree of tightness depends upon how much skin was removed during the operation. Over time, your tissues will relax and you will be back to standing straight without difficulty. Follow your postoperative instructions and don’t try to “push” your recovery to make it go faster. Time and recovery are what you need. (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

The spectrum for recovery is vast. Very simply, there is no exact time for recuperation. It is important that people going into this operation bear in mind that the intention is to provide you with a lifetime of a good result.

Tightness after tummy tuck operation

Sometimes that means pulling the skin and muscle tight enough to be sore even months after surgery. When a person is recuperating from this surgery, there are often moments of regret or great concern about not recovering quickly enough.

In most cases, however, the recuperation continues and these feelings go away. As they fade, it gets easier to enjoy the quality of your result. Over the last couple of years many surgeons have made dramatic strides in making the recuperation more comfortable. Drainless tummy tucks have made the process easier in general, the use of Exparel (a long lasting anesthetic) makes the first three days much easier and a move to less time in restricting garments makes the following weeks a little better. Best,Dr. yle (Jeremy Pyle, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness after tummy tuck image

Tightness and Difficulty Standing Up Post-Tummy Tuck

After 21/2 weeks of tummy tuck surgery you should really make an effort to straighten up to improve the abdominal muscle tightness after tummy tuck. Lymphatic drainage massages are usually helpful. (Jhonny Salomon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after abdominoplasty and tummy tuck

I would visit your plastic surgeon and discuss your concerns. Occasionally, your surgeon may need to help you ‘straighten out’ your back by helping you stretch out. This can be done by standing behind you and allowing you to slowly stand upright. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Standing straight post tummy tuck surgery

Tightness after abdominoplasty

In order to avoid complications such as superficial openings and healing issues, I recommend my patients to stay hunched in a bent-over position for atleast 4 weeks. Tightness after tummy tuck and tension you are describing is completely normal during this point in your recovery.

Due to the muscle repair and removal of excess skin, it is difficult for you to stand straight so soon after tummy tuck surgery. I suggest waiting a couple more weeks post -op before standing erect. Take it easy and consult with your plastic surgeon if you have any issues or concerns as soon as possible. Take care! (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Standing up after a tummy tuck

The tightness after tummy tuck

For best results in your situation, the surgeon should make the skin tight enough that it is difficult for you to stand upright for 1-4 weeks afterward. The skin will relax slowly and the swelling will subside. You will then hopefully have a beautiful result that will last you for many decades. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Standing straight after tummy tuck

All patients tend to be bent for a while to take pressure off their tummy area. Some are straight up after one week, most take more like 2-4 weeks, but sometimes even longer. After a while back stiffness from the position makes getting straight more difficult. Don’t worry, you will be straight soon. (Scott W. Vann, MD, FACS, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness in abdomen, standing straight after tummy tuck

20 days after abdominoplasty, a patient should be able to stand staight. Tightness in the abdomen , especially after repair of diasthesis recti or umbilical hernial , is not uncommon. We usually recommend not to resume vigorous physical activities for 6-8 weeks after abdominoplasty. You should give yourself another month before becoming concerned. (Fereydoon S. Mahjouri, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Tightness and Difficulty Standing Up Post-Tummy Tuck

The use of progressive tension sutures (PTS) has helped with the tension on the suture lines of a tummy tuck. Some surgeons still have their patients walk in a slightly bent over position for 3 – 5 days but I do not. I do not find that my patients have difficulty with tightness and standing up. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)