Traditional tummy tuck

Traditional tummy tuck removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the midsection, improving areas of the body that may have been unresponsive to diet and exercise.

It can help provide a smoother and more attractive body contour.

Patients may be good candidates if they are physically healthy and have a stable weight.

Liposuction can be included in the procedure to address your concerns with the lipodystrophy in your back.

I recommend that you make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your surgical options. (Wesley T. Myers, MD, Conroe Plastic Surgeon)

Traditional tummy tuck photo

Will a traditional tummy tuck be right for me and if so will it take care of my back fat?

No, only liposuction will address the back fat not a Tummy Tuck operation. Best to see a few boarded Pss in Jacksonville for opinions. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Traditional tummy tuck

Based on the photos that you provided you look like a great candidate for a tummy tuck. In addition you may also be a candidate for liposuction of the back versus a bra-line back lift depending on the amount of excess skin or skin laxity which is difficult to gauge on photographs.

Traditional tummy tuck surgery

An in-person consultation is the best way to determine which procedures are best for you. (Luis H. Macias, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Traditional tummy tuck surgery

Traditional tummy tuck is a wonderful procedure that focuses on recontouring your abdomen. It will not address the fat pockets on the back. That can be addressed with liposuction. (Mennen T. Gallas, MD, Katy Plastic Surgeon)

With the weight loss you may consider a circumferential abdominoplasty, but an exam in person would be beneficial. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)