Travel after tummy tuck

Traveling Post tummy tuck

It is safe to travel to Disney as long as you recover well from surgery without complications. After 6 weeks, I clear patient’s to resume normal activity without restriction.

It is important to understand that complications can ocassionally occur.

If so, it would be important to delay your trip to recover properly. Wound infection or breakdown are the most common late complications that may delay your care.

You should have a very good idea of whether it will be safe to go by 2 weeks post surgery. I would encourage you to make tentative plans, but not confirm until a few weeks post surgery. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after tummy tuck

Travel after tummy tuck surgery

I generally recommend no heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 4-6 weeks after surgery. After six weeks, I clear patients to resume activity as tolerated. If you are 9 weeks after your surgery, have fun in Disney. But alway get the recommendations from your plastic surgeon – every technique is unique and every surgeon has his/her preferences. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

I believe that 9 weeks should be ample time to recuperate. Make sure you follow all instructions and do not try to do too much early on as you may delay your recuperation. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Travel after tummy tuck

Travel after tummy tuck operation

9 weeks after a tummy tuck and breast reduction should be enough time for you to travel to Disney. (Allan J. Parungao, MD, Oak Brook Plastic Surgeon)

Travel after surgery

9 weeks should be enough time to allow for travel and unlimited activities. I say should because it assumes normal procedure and recovery. If you have a complication, all bets may be off. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after Tummy Tuck with Breast Reduction

Barring any unforeseen problems, nine weeks should be a more than adequate period of time to recover from your tummy tuck and breast reduction before a vacation to Disney World. I usually place no restrictions on my patients after six weeks or so except for sit-ups and crunches. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)