Treatment Of Stretch Marks
I am not a believer in any satisfactory laser treatment of stretch marks.
From you photo, I do think that you could obtain a great deal of improvement with a full tummy tuck.
A full tummy tuck should remove almost all of your atretch marks which are located below your umbilicus or belly button.
Those stretch marks which are now situated above your umbilicus should largely be transferred to a position below the belly button following a full tummy tuck.
You should seek a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon with whom you discuss the potential benefits and risks. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck for horrible stretch marks
There is no laser which will resolve the flabby and inelastic skin and stretch marks as a result of your pregnancy. Only a tummy tuck will reduce the skin excess and tighten the muscular foundation in your abdomen.
The tummy tuck will remove most stretch marks below your belly button. There really is no other options, and the average cost in Illinois is around $8000, which should include all costs, facility and anesthesia as well. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Stretch Marks After Pregnancy
Dear Morgan, After pregnancy, many women are left with sagging bellies because of loose skin and stomach muscles. A tummy tuck, often combined with liposuction, can help flatten your belly by removing the excess skin and tightening the loose muscles. Some but not all of the stretch marks will be removed.
You may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you are in good overall health, do not smoke, are close to your goal weight, and do not plan on having additional children. There are also a few laser treatments for treating stretch marks. In my opinion, the results are fairly modest, and the treatments will not tighten your loose skin. A tummy tuck will produce a much more dramatic improvement in your shape and appearance. (Larry Fan, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
need tommy tuck
Laser treatments will not help you. You have extra skin that has lost elasticity. Laser treatments will help you and will make the tummy tuck more complicated. (Kamran Khoobehi, MD, New Orleans Plastic Surgeon)
Stretch marks post pregnancy
I would get down to your desired weight or close to it. then consult with a plastic surgeon. I would recommend a tummy tuck, and then re evaluate the area for laser treatments to help residual stretchmarks that are not removed by the tummy tuck. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck is best for stretch marks
No laser treatment available to do anything to improve the deep and wide stretch marks that you have. A tummy took will remove most of them, and lower the position of any residual stretch marks.
The procedure will also flatten your abdomen and rid you of excess skin and abdominal fat. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
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