Tummy surgery after pregnancy

Tummy surgery or lipo after pregnancy

Your description and photograph suggest that you are a candidate for a full abdominoplasty.

Your photograph suggests that the primary concerns are a stretched out abdominal wall and excess skin.

You may benefit with liposuction in combination with a tummy surgery, but the primary procedure will be a tummy surgery.

To confirm, an in person exam and consultation with an experienced and expert board certified plastic surgeon is appropriate. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy surgery vs. a Lipo

Tummy surgery photo after pregnancy

An abdominoplasty (tummy surgery) will likely be the best solution. When the abdominal wall (the muscles of your abdomen) become stretched from pregnancy, they will often not return to their pre-pregnancy state / position.

Part of a tummy surgery is to return these muscles back to their normal anatomic position, flattening your tummy and bringing in the waistline in the process.

Of course, nothing substitutes for a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine the procedure that will best meet your aesthetic goals. (Sean A. Simon, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Lipo or Tummy surgery?

The tummy surgery after pregnancy

Difficult to tell with just one picture and no exam, but i would say a Tummy surgery will be your best bet with your history of pregnancy. The excess skin and separation of your muscles requires a tummy surgery, mini or full will be determined by your surgeon and your exam. (Jonathan Weiler, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)

Smart Lipo or Tummy surgery?

It would be nice if you could get away with just liposuction, but I’m afraid in your case that wouldn’t be smart and you would spend a considerable amount of money and be very disappointed in the results.

The same is true of a mini tummy surgery. Most Moms wind up getting a dramatic improvement with the full tummy surgery and muscle tightening. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy surgery after pregnancy before and after

Tummy surgery is the best option

Unfortunately, given the shape of your abdomen, you would not be a candidate for mini-abdominoplasty or SmartLipo. Your abdomen has too much bulge for either of the less extensive procedures to produce an acceptable result.

See a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options. Liposuction of the flanks may be indicated but it is difficult to say from the photo provided. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)