Tummy tuck african americans

It is perfectly reasonable for an African American patient to have a tummy tuck. The criteria for a tummy tuck is a loose abdominal skin, diastasis recti (separation of the muscles) and extra fat around the waist and flanks.

The incision is the same – below the underwear line. Many of our patients have darker skin and we take pride in working with them to ensure the best possible outcome.

Some patients have a history of hypertrophic scars or keloid scaring and all of this must be taken into consideration when planning the incision and post operative care when performing the tummy tuck.

However, this is not a reason to not have surgery if you are a good candidate. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Abominoplasty african americans

People with darker skin types are more likely to develop hypertrophic and keloid scars, but that does not mean that surgery is not possible. You should discuss this with another plastic surgeon. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck can be done in afroamericans

Tummy tuck must be done when skin and muscle flaccity are evident. there is no surgery to solve those problems as tummy tuck does no matter if you are afroamerican. (Ramon Sabala, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck african americans and scars

There are several ethnic groups that may form thicker, more obvious scarring. African-Americans are among them. If you have had a previous surgery, you may already know how your body heals.

Medical reason tummy tuck african americans

There are many techniques and topical applications that can aid in minimizing scars. Known keloid formers can anticipate keloid scarring at the plastic surgery site. (George John Alexander, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck can be great for African Americans.

1) I never heard of this. The possibility of a thick scar is higher with dark skin, but most African Americans heal fine.

Even when the scar is noticeable, the woman can be very happy. The secret is to keep the scar very LOW, against the groins. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty in African-American patients

Tummy tuck african americans photo of patient

Abdominoplasty can be done in African – Americans and darker skin patients. While scar hypertrophy and keloids are more common in these groups, the procedures can still be done and post op silicone-based scar gels can be used. I avoid Kenalog creams and steroids in African – Americans because of their known propensity to depigment. Talk with another plastic surgeon about the plan for post op wound care and the sequence of the procedures. (John McAvoy, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck is reasonable for African Americans too

Assuming you are a good surgical and medical candidate there is no reason to avoid abdominoplasty. Yes, African Americans (and Asians, Hispanic, Mediterranean, and others) have a higher risk of getting bad scarring (hypertrophic and/or keloid). That said, some of my patient’s best scars are on African Americans, and some of my worst are on Caucasians. (James E. Chappell, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck for african americans

Tummy tuck african americans photo

First of all , when ever is loose skin there is no other thing to do to cut the extra skin performing a tummy tuck , some people decide to avoid scars , and take the decision to do only a liposuction , wich is completly wrong , if you have loose skin there is no doubts if you really want good results then the decision is tummy tuck , OF COURSE scar is a problem in some patients particularly in almost all races not only african american , excepting caucasic people there is a risk of queloid , or hypertrofic scars if they have mixed races , There is decision you have to make , depending on your priorities , if you want to reshape your body and get rid of loose skin and have a flat abd , then think about the scar that may result but not all the time and neither to all african americans the result is a queloid.

Tummy tuck operation african americans

If you really think you can not live with a scar than sometimes can be very sthetic , then do not waiste your money in only a lipo and bbl , because you will end up in some month is a tummy tuck , MY RECOMENDATION IS , LIPO , BBL , AND tummy tuck hope to be helpfull (Cynthia Disla, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

About a quarter of my tummy tuck patients are African Americans and although there is a higher incidence of thick scars, most will have good scars. Find another Plastic Surgeon for advice. (Victor Au, MD, Chapel Hill Plastic Surgeon)

Cosmetic Surgery in African Americans

African Americans are just as good a candidate for ANY cosmetic procedure as any other ethnicity. I am saddened that a PS would say that to you. As you are probably aware, AAs are at higher risk for hyper-pigmentation and keloid scar formation. However, with proper patient selection, education and more diligent post operative care of the scar, I achieve wonderful scars in AA patients.

In breast surgery the scars are often LESS noticeable than Caucasian counterparts due in part to the darker areola. Rhinoplasty is the one procedure that is often uniquely challenging. Seek out a PS that has experience cosmetic surgery in African Americans and you will be happy. (Brian Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)