Tummy tuck after birth

The key to a great cosmetic result is proper matching of the operation(s) to the patients condition. On the other hand, trying to get one operation to substitute for another often results in a disappointment and sometimes even a disaster.

The MAIN defect in a single pregnancy and SURELY in 3 pregnancies is a separation of the Rectus (six pack) and other abdominal muscles.

THAT is the reason for BOTH the pooch and skin laxity. Liposuction (including VASER) and especially (not – so) Smart Lipo will NEVER correct the pooch because the capabilities of a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Liposuction are not the same.

Liposuction will remove fat but cannot bring separated muscles back together.

A tummy tuck after birth

I would strongly advise you to see several REAL Plastic Surgeons (www.PlasticSurgery.org) and see what each advises. You should go with the prevailing opinion and the surgeon who makes you the most comfortable. Dr. P. Aldea (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

First, Smart Lipo is a gimmick. It does not tighten the skin. For the excess skin, you need a tummy tuck after birth. With the Tummy Tuck, the incision is designed to deal with the problems of the pubic region whether it is fat removal and lift of the combination. For the excess fat at the hips you need LIPOSUCTION. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

First of all, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the price won’t ever come down. Next I am a strong believer in doing surgery that has a proven track record.

The tummy tuck after birth

Over that past 30+ years we have learned that traditional suction lipectomy with tumescent solution and small cannulas can achieve excellent results.

However, everyone is always trying to one-up the competition etc. So smart lipo was developed. The premise behind this is that a small laser cannula is inserted superficially into the fat to melt it. In addition it “tightens” the skin. This goes against all known principles of lipo which is to stay deep and avoid damage to the skin.

So see a Board Certified PLASTIC Surgeon and get standard lipo. It’s worth the added experience and minor increase in cost. See my blog for more. (Christopher L. Hess, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Hi there- Not only is liposuction in ANY form not likely to achieve your goal for you, it’s likely it will leave you with even more loose skin that sags and makes you unhappy. THEN you’ll have had to pay for (and go through) TWO operations (the liposuction, then the tummy tuck after birth you should have had in the first place) to get happy.

Tummy tuck operation after birth

Unfortunately what you’d like to hear is not what sounds like would be in your best interests. I would also agree with my colleagues that it is critical that you seek the opinion of a board certified and reputable plastic surgeon.

You’ll be able to be confident that you are getting a responsible and ethical recommendation, and not the opinion that is most likely to help the provider pay for the expensive machine they just bought. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after birth works best for post pregnancy fat

Tummy tuck after birth photo

Pregnancy causes tremendous stresses on the abdominal wall which are compounded by the effect of steroids, bedrest, and multiple pregnancies. It is probably not reasonable to expect your abdomen to be corrected to your satisfaction by liposuction alone.

Tummy tuck after birth will allow for tightening of the abdominal muscle, and correction of the loose skin including the pubic area that you mention has now become prominent. I often combine some liposuction where needed to help contour and feather in the abdomen and hip. Liposuction is also helpful in shaping the pubic bump as well. If you have had a c-section, this scar and indentation can be corrected, too. As you see, there is a lot of value and a substantial result available to you, with the abdominoplasty procedure.While you are saving, consider an exercise program to develop aerobic fitness and strengthen your core.

Tummy tuck surgery after birth

Your community may have a fitness center and program for Moms that include an hour of day care activities while you exercise. A support group of mothers with young children should help you reach your goals.Best of luck,peterejohnsonmd (Peter E. Johnson, MD)

Determine which procedure is right for you

Sounds like a consulation and an exam by a board certified plastic surgeon is the best way to determine your ideal option. Obviously, cost is an issue for most patients. The best advice I can give you is first determine which procedure is the best for you and then look at the cost.

If you have extensive skin sagging and looseness, you will need a tummy tuck after birth. If you do anything less because of cost, you may spend less but will not get the result you want. Therefore, it will like throwing your money away. Doing the right procedure is always the best way to get most return for your investment. Good luck. (Bahram Ghaderi, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after birth images

Vaser Lipo and Lipolite are a good alternative for tummy tuck after birth.

It sounds like what you probably need is some aggressive recontouring and an additional amount of fat shrinkage. This can be done without an invasive abdominoplasty unless you have extensive skin damage with bad stretch marks. The Vaser technique involves ultrasonic blasting of the fat which then allows for much more efficient removal of the fat.

The LipoLite technology is very good at tightening the skin and promoting better contouring and shaping of the skin over the new contour. These procedures are not inexpensive but less than an abdominoplasty. All the best. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)