Tummy tuck after childbirth

Need tummy tuck?

You don’t appear to have much fat so liposuction would not be appropriate.

Since you are only 4 months after childbirth, it would be better to exercise and wait until a year has passed before considering surgery.

It is possible your abdomen may still improve with time. Your picture seems to show some lower abdominal stretch marks – that may not get better over time.

If things don’t improve, discuss a mini-abdominoplasty with your Board Certified plastic surgeon. While a mini-tummy tuck is not for everyone, it may be good for a younger person like your self.

Tummy tuck after childbirth stretchmarks

Only a proper consultation can determine that. You may also want to put this off until you are sure that you are done having children. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

You certainly do not need a tummy tuck at this time. You are young and may have more children in your future.

For four months post childbirth, your abdomen looks excellent except for the unfortunate development of striae (stretch marks). These should lighten up a bit more over time, but unfortunately are permanent. If after further pregnancies you have adequate laxity to the tissues to warrant a full abdominoplasty (which is not your present state), then a tummy tuck would remove those stretch marks between your umbilicus and pubis. In the meantime diet and exercise, which I am sure you are carrying out, is all you need. (William F. DeLuca Jr, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)

When to have a tummy tuck after childbirth

The tummy tuck after childbirth

Congratulations on your new baby! As you have noticed, pregnancy and childbirth can produce many changes to woman’s body. After giving birth, your body will have a significant flux in hormone levels that will continue to affect your tissue. In our practice, we have a great deal of experience working with women who are interested in body contouring after childbirth.

We typically recommend that they only consider procedure at least 4 to 6 months after the completion of breast-feeding. This will allow your body time to recover so that when the surgery is performed your surgeon can help create a long-lasting result. Another issue to consider is your young age and the possibility of having more children in the future. If you are considering having more children, keep in mind that additional pregnancies will change the appearance of your tummy Tuck. You may want to consider performing the time tuck after you are done with pregnancies. You will have definitely earned it. (Pat Pazmino, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck after childbirth scar after

Considering that you are only 4 months out from having a baby, you look tremendous! You do not need a tummy tuck at this time. Your tummy will probably continue to improve with time and a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations on your new baby! (Thomas Fiala, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

At only 20 years of age with a minimal skin excess problem, any form of a tummy tuck is too much of a solution given your problem. This is particularly true given that is more likely then not you will be having more children in the future. You would be better to wait until you have completed having children and then fix the cumulative abdominal problems in a single more comprehensive surgery. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty after childbirth

A Tummy Tuck is a comprehensive after – childbirth restorative procedure which retires the after baby figure to its original condition. If you are done having children you may benefit from the operation. If you plan on more children, I would wait until then before having the operation. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Is a tummy tuck needed

I concur with my colleagues. Given you are only 20, you need to ask yourself if you may have any future pregnancies. If the answer is yes or a maybe, hold off on the tummy tuck. Without a physical exam, its impossible to give any recommendations. However, based on photos, perhaps you should consider a workout regimen to see what improvements you can achieve. A tummy tuck option will always be on the table. Only if you are not going to have more pregnancies (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)