Tummy tuck after delivery

Every Plastic surgeon would more or less look for the same group of criteria. If you are not planning on having any other children, you are otherwise healthy and your weight has been stable for at least 3 months, I would recommend a 6 months wait after your delivery.

This should allow for shrinkage of any skin that was stretched out and for the resolution of any other pregnancy associated deformities. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

I advise waiting until you are complete with childbearing. Wait 3-6 months at least or until you have reached your “stable maintenance weight.” You want to avoid losing or gaining much weight following a tummy tuck to limit your chances of changing the result. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)

The tummy tuck after delivery

With all due respect to my colleagues, I’ll say if your weight is stable, I would recommend waiting only 6 weeks after delivery. The stretched and damaged skin and muscle layers are about 80% healed at this point. I also believe that delivery creates a “delay affect” by stretching the skin and soft tissues and thus allowing for an improved reconstruction.

I am not sure what are these “adjustments” that happen after 6 weeks. I do agree that it is important to go to an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for this type of abdominal surgery. (Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

How long to wait for tummy tuck after delivery

A tummy tuck after delivery

The most important thing is to be done having babies. After that, remember that it took 9 months to stretch out with your delivery, so it is important to give your body some time to bounce back. If you have had multiple pregnancies and had loose, stretched out skin after the first delivery, it is not likely that the skin will tighten with subsequent pregnancies.

If this is the case, you do not have to wait very long after the birth. Timing of the surgery then becomes based on your recovery after the baby is born and on your having enough time to take care of your self after the tummy tuck is done. In some cases, a tummy tuck can be done immediately after a c-section.

The best way to determine the right timing for your tummy tuck after delivery is to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your personal situation. (Elizabeth Slass Lee, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after delivery image

3-6 months is a good estimate as to when you might plan to have your tummy tuck after delivery. There are several factors that should be considered in addition to the absolute number of months.

You should no longer be nursing. You should have reached an ideal or reasonable weight following the pregnancy. While it is not absolutely necessary to reach her prepregnancy weight you should be at a comfortable weight.

You should be comfortable with the decision not to have any more pregnancies has a delivery after a tummy tuck could result in disruption of some aspects of the tummy tuck surgery. This is probably of the main consideration with the weight issue being the second most important and the absolute time being the least important.

You should also give consideration to the fact that you will be unable to take care of your baby during the initial week or so of recovery and so with some additional help will be necessary during that period of time. (Ralph R. Garramone, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after delivery images

Usually three to six months is enough, provided you stopped breast feeding and have returned to you pre pregnancy weight. A tummy tuck after delivery is designed to tighten the abdominal wall and get rid of excess skin. You need to get rid of the excess weight first. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

As suggested by my colleagues, your health is the most important factor. However, there are many variations in opinion when it comes to this.

Of course, you should not be nursing. It is also generally felt that you be at a stable weight.

As plastic surgeons, we undertand the desire to take advantage of the downtime after having a child and there are a few plastic surgeons who perfrom tummy tucks at the time of delivery but this is not the norm. Typically this type of tummy tuck tends to be less agressive (no liposuction and conservative muscle tightening) than one performed at a more optimal period.

Tummy tuck after delivery photo

So please exercise in caution if and when you consider this option. It is also difficult to plan given the unpredicatble timing of childbirth and therefore preparation may not be adequate. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD,
Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Our protocol for timing after delivery is based on several factors:

  • Whether or not you have had a C-section
  • Are you breast feeding
  • Are you planning to have any more children

I ask patients to wait approximately 6 months after ending breast feeding, as the circulating hormones will continue to stretch out and loosen the abdominal skin. Timing after delivery does not take breast feeding into account.

During that time, exercise is encouraged. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

I usually have patients wait 6 months to a year after their delivery. Patients should get back to their pre-pregnancy weight first. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Pregnancy is a significant event – not only emotionally but also physically. I know there are rumors about having a tummy tuck at the time of your c-section or delivery. That is not a safe practice and will put yourself at undue risk when you should be paying all your attention to your new baby and healing from delivery.

Like most surgeons have stated 6mo after stopping breast feeding, being stable at your weight, being able to accept another healing period and obviously knowing that you are done having children are the most important factors in deciding timing for a tummy tuck after delivery. There is no rush. Once you are ready physically you will have a good outcome. (Bahram Ghaderi, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)