Tummy tuck after mastectomy
Tummy Tuck After Mastectomy Is Possible
I am glad that you recovered from you mastectomies and are healthy. The answer to your question depends only on the type of reconstruction. If you had expanders and subsequent implants then your breast surgery has no bearing on a tummy tuck or liposuction.
If you had part of your abdomen used to reconstruct the breasts then it will certainly be a bit more challenging and involve some trade offs – but will not be impossible.
Find a board certified plastic surgeon that you feel comfortable with go for a consultation. I think you will pleased with what you hear. (Al Rosenthal, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
There is not any reason that you couldn’t have a tummy tuck. The only early hesitation may have been whether or not you would use the tummy tissue to perform breast reconstruction. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Previous mastectomy is not a contraindication to in abdominoplasty.
You did not mention the type of reconstruction. I presume the abdominal wall is not the donor site. In abdominoplasty is no problem although it would eliminate one available type of donor area for breast reconstruction in the future. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Past mastectomy does not disqualify for cosmetic surgery
Having a mastectomy in the past does not disqualify you from cosmetic surgery in the future. As long as your general health is good, pursue the tummy tuck and other cosmetic procedures. I would also encourage you to consult experienced plastic surgeons about your breast reconstruction.
You may be able to improve your results. Sometimes we use abdominal tissue in breast reconstruction. In DIEP flap or TRAM flap procedures, surgeons use the lower abdominal tissue that is otherwise discarded in a tummy tuck, so planning ahead with all your goals might be a good idea. (James N. Romanelli, MD, FACS, Long Island Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy Tuck After Mastectomy #tummytuck
I do quite a bit of cosmetic and breast cancer surgery. I am so sorry to hear that you feel the way you do about your reconstruction. I often revise patients like yourself many years out and have great results so it is possible to have your breasts fixed. And, goodness yes you can have a tummy tuck. I do it all the time. In fact I do them at the second stage breast reconstruction all the time. Your ability to have a tummy tuck has no bearing on the fact that you are a breast cancer survivor. Make sure you have lost maximal weight and you are stable. Then go for it. Provided you have good health there is no reason why you can’t have the procedures you are asking about. (Richard J. Brown, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Cosmetic Procedures After Breast Reconstruction
Based on the information you provided, it is fine to go ahead and have a tummy tuck, liposuction, and fillers as long as you are a good candidate for these procedures. Having a mastectomy and reconstruction does not preclude you from these. Make sure you see a board certified plastic surgeon who is familiar with the type of breast reconstruction you underwent. (Mark Schwartz, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)