Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after

Tummy tuck after pregnancy

You are an excellent candidate for an abdominoplasty. The surgery will significantly improve the shape of your belly. The scar from your belly button down will also be removed during surgery.

You will need an examination prior to surgery to make sure you are a healthy candidate. Once that is complete, you should strongly consider abdominoplasty. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck for C-section Scar

You are a good candidate for a tummy tuck which will likely remove most if not all the vertical scar and all the loose skin that you have.

Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after photo

One thing is that your belly button is rather high, so it depends on how much skin you have that is loose above the belly button for me to tell you if we can remove all the skin below your belly button.

It appears that you are sucking in on the pictures so it may be possible to remove all the skin below it. (Farbod Esmailian, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Repairing a “butt-like” tummy

This is a common complaint in women that have had an operation with an up-and-down incision in the lower abdomen. As weight changes or the skin gets lax (which happens with aging), the abdomen can develop this “butt-like” appearance.

Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after photos

A tummy tuck will be great to help you. It will remove the excess skin and fat, tighten the muscles, and convert the up-and-down (vertical) scar into a low horizontal scar that is well hidden beneath underwear and bathing suits. You should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon for more specific information, but a think that a tummy tuck would significantly improve the appearance of your abdomen. (Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck would be an excellent choice

An abdominoplasty would, in all likelihood, remove your vertical scar and trade it for the traditional transverse scar of an abdominoplasty. Your muscles appear weak and separated and they could be tightened at the time of surgery.

Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after image

Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon and they will be able to examine you and guide you best. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck for lower abdominal scar

A traditional tummy tuck will remove the skin in the lower abdomen including the so called butt scar. A diastasis repair is usually performed with a tummy tuck and should be performed in your case as you seem to have lax abdominal muscles. repairing the muscles will help with the protuberance of the abdomen. (Sharon Theresa McLaughlin MD, Long Island City Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck after Vertical C-section

Abdominoplasty after pregnancy before and after

I think you would probably have a very good result with a conventional tummy tuck. It appears that you have some significant muscle laxity which can also be adressed with the tummy tuck. I agree that you would have to accept a hip-to-hip scar, but this scar usually blends in much better than the vertical scar which should be entirely removed. (John Whitt, MD, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

I would agree with all of the other comments. I would like to echo their thoughts in that a tummy tuck would be trading incisional locations and not removing it however you could also gain some of your figure back as well by tightening the abdominal wall. How very exciting to get your figure back. (Charles Perry, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after photo patient

You have a great tummy for a tummy tuck. Your BMI is normal and you should be able to have the whole scar removed – of course it is replaced with one that goes from hip to hip – but at least you can cover it with clothing and underwear or a two piece bathing suit.

Look at some of the photos on my web site to get an ideal of what can be done. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck would be the best option for you to remove the excess skin and fat while tightening your muscles.

You should see a board-certified plastic surgeon, at which time you will also be assesed to determine if you have a hernia which could be repaired at the same time. (Nina S. Naidu, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after pregnancy before and after pictures

Your photo reveals that you have generalized laxity (looseness) of the abdominal wall muscles, as well as extra skin with stretch marks. Liposuction may worsen your appearance; your two pregnancies have undoubtedly compromised the elasticity of your skin, and you may have a worsening “butt” appearance after the procedure. Lesser invasive procedures, like Thermage or radiofrequency, will also lead to relatively disappointing results. A tummy tuck, on the other hand, will dramatically improve the appearance of your abdominal wall. The extra skin and vertical scar will be removed, and your abdominal wall will be tightened from sternum to pubic bone. The transformation will be remarkable. Your best bet is an evaluation by a board-certified plastic surgeon who can describe the procedure and the recovery course in more detail. (Sam Jejurikar, MD)