Tummy Tuck after Twins

Tummy Tuck after Twins

I’m not sure that i have ever met a woman who has had twins that would not benefit from a tummy tuck. The significant weight gain with loss of elasticity of your skin can leave a woman with a roll of skin.

Often, twins are delivered by c-section which can exacerbate the over-hang of your skin above the c-section scar. I’ve found that the spreading of the rectus muscles is especially wide and can only be repaired by suturing them back together.

Sit ups will not do the trick. I like to combine tummy tucks with liposuction of the waist to further enhance the patient’s results. (Holly Casey Wall, MD, FACS, Shreveport Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after having twins

Tummy Tuck after Twins before and after

Not to be critical but how common tummy tucks are after twins is an irrelevant question. It only matters how you as an individual feel after having twins. Cosmetic surgery is an individual choice, not a mass market decision.

If your abdomen changes to a point where it is not agreeable to you, then a tummy tuck might be appropriate. What other patients do should not influence you. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

As the other surgeons have said, most women could benefit from a tummy tuck after twins and it is usually a dramatic improvement.

But every once in awhile I see a patient after twins and their tummy is flat and tight. Go figure! (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty after Twins

Some of my most dramatic tummy tuck results have come after twin pregnancies which drastically stretch the abdominal wall skin and muscles. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Is a Tummy Tuck Common After Twins?

The risk for separation (diastasis) of your abdominal muscle wall and skin looseness can be significantly increased with multiple pregnancies (i.e. twins, triplets,.).

Although it is common for these changes to occur even with a single child pregnancy, the increased stress on your abdominal muscles and skin with multiple pregnancies tend to exacerbate these changes.

Tummy Tuck after Twins before photo

Remarkably, I have seen women who have had multiple pregnancies with no significant change in their abdominal shape, while many others with a single child pregnancy demonstrate very dramatic changes. Their is absolutely a genetic component to the changes seen in your abdomen following pregnancy. Remember to thank your parents if you are one of the fortunate women with minimal changes following pregnancy. (Louis DeLuca, MD, Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck After Twins – Very Common

The tummy Tuck after Twins

It is very common for women who have had multiple pregnancies or twins to seeking abdominal contouring. Having twins likely exacerbates the stretching out of your abdominal wall muscles (aka rectus diastasis). In addition, twin pregnancies can be associated with large weight loss post pregnancy. A tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty) is a very popular cosmetic surgery procedure. A tummy tuck can be an effective tool for shaping and sculpting the body for better body appearance and improved self esteem. The basic principle applies in all contouring procedures: you must accept some degree of scar to achieve that much better form. The length of your scar will depend on the amount and distribution of excess skin/fat in your lower abdomen. Your plastic surgeon will guide you with this after a formal physical exam. Liposuctioning of the waist is also very commonly performed at the time of a tummy tuck. I recommend you visit with an ASPS member plastic surgeon to further explore your options. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck after Twin Pregnancy

Tummy Tuck after Twins image before

I have found that twin gestation may lead to more muscle separation (diastasis) compared to single gestation therefore, moms who have had twin pregnancy benefit greatly from the procedure – often with dramatic results.

Make sure you see a board certified plastic surgeon for consultation. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Very Common To Do a Tummy Tuck After Twins

In my experience, twins cause more stretch of the abdominal wall and skin, both of which are the main culprits in the necessity of a post-partum tummy tuck. Good Luck! (Brian Klink, MD, Vacaville Plastic Surgeon)