Tummy tuck and liposuction

Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tuck and liposuction – body contoured plastic surgeries, which are held separately from each other or at the same time. Every surgery has its indications, they are not alternative solutions for one problem. Nevertheless, the patient have some confusion. In particular, in women who often hope to get rid of belly using liposuction, whereas they need a tummy tuck. To understand what surgery you need to do  – liposuction or abdominoplasty, we define the width of their capabilities.

What you can do with a Liposuction ?

Liposuction is the modeling of body contours by removing excess skin and fat. That is a way to deal with excess body fat! In the area of ​​belly fat is localized very often. No diet, no intensive training or cosmetic procedures can not fully solve the problem. In such cases, you should seek the help of liposuction.

After liposuction and tummy tuck

Liposuction is the removal of excess fat. Plastic surgery, which is carried out with minimal cuts, without removal of excess skin in young patients or in the “bewitched” places.  Depending on the intended volume of surgery, it may be performed under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

The duration of the surgery is also dependent on the amount of intervention from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Under the skin type special solution, which destroys fat cells, and then using a special apparatus the cells are removed.

The preoperative period of liposuction: stop taking birth control pills for 6 weeks.

Postoperative period of liposuction: immediately after the intervention is imposed pressure special bandage for a period of 1 to 1.5 months.

After tummy tuck and liposuction

You can leave the clinic after 1-3 days, depending on the amount of intervention, and in some cases on the same day. Sutures are removed on 7-8 day. Elastic bandage should be worn for the night for a further 1 month. Normal activity can be resumed after 28-30 days, but do not take a bath for 15 days. Not to engage in power sports for 3 months.

So, if the bulging belly of the patient caused by presence of excess subcutaneous fat, it needs in liposuction! Until recently, the volume of removed fat was limited by 3 liters, but with the advent of new liposuction techniques sparing it managed to almost double. In addition, there was a risk of sagging skin after removal of excess fat (washboard effect). This risk was reduced to zero due to radiofrequency liposuction, during which the fat is removed and the skin is tightened.

What you can do with a tummy tuck?

After tummy tuck surgery and liposuction

Opportunities of tummy tuck, unlike liposuction, lie in a different plane. Is a surgical procedure aimed at the plastic of the abdominal muscles, the formation of “muscular corset”, removing excess skin, as well as skin and fat “apron.” After abdominoplasty is a horizontal scar, while liposuction is performed through small punctures.

Most often on the tummy tuck come postpartum women whose pregnancy is the cause of the weakening and bulging of the front abdominal muscles. In addition, the tummy tuck can be performed after the sharp weight loss, leading to sagging skin.

The surgery lasts about 1.5-3 hours, depending on the volume. In the lower part of the abdomen, on the border with the hairy part of the pubic area, is made a horizontal and sinuous incision.

Tummy tuck scar and liposuction

The length of incision for a tummy tuck depends on the completeness woman and the degree of sagging “apron.” The skin is peeled, the surgeon with help of his hands determines the amount of fat folds, which should be removed. The width of the flap of skin and fat which need to be removed, is usually a size of the skin surface between the navel and the hairy part of the pubis. Location for the new navel is scheduled prior to surgery.

Contoured by fringing cut the navel is left on the vascular pedicle. Abdominal muscles bring together, is possible to strengthen them by using a mesh prosthesis. Then pull down the skin and excess of it was excised. Navel sewn into specially made cut. Impose cosmetic seam.

The preoperative period tummy tuck: you need to stop taking birth control pills in 6 weeks prior to surgery.

After abdominoplasty and liposuction

The postoperative period tummy tuck: immediately after the intervention impose special forming bandage on 1 to 1.5 months. You may leave the hospital within 3-5 days, depending on the amount of intervention. The sutures are removed on 9-14 days, depending on the type of interference. Elastic bandage should be worn for the night for a further 1 month.

Normal vital functions after abdominoplasty can be resumed after 28-30 days, but do not take a bath for 15 days. You should not engaged in power sports for 3 months.

Depending on the nature of testimony can be applied full tummy tuck with the transfer of the navel, a mini tummy tuck or endoscopic abdominoplasty.

Liposuction and tummy tuck

In the case if in the patient is observed not only loss of muscle tone or muscle discrepancy, but is excess fat specialists perform abdominoplasty with liposuction. The advisability of combining these operations is determined in each case individually.

Before and tummy tuck and liposuction

The appearance of the stomach – a fairly common problem in parous women. Tummy tuck often becomes the only effective variant to solve it. Today there are no reasons to abandon surgery, because surgeons have learned to minimize post-operative scarring. Plastic surgeons are actively using endoscopic techniques, which allow to carry out tummy tuck without sutures through small punctures.

In addition, radiofrequency liposuction comes to the rescue for patients – it copes with a large excess of fat in the abdominal area. There have been cases in my practice, when women come to the abdominoplasty, and I made ​​them RF-liposuction, thus eliminating them from the “apron” in the abdomen by small surgeries. Determine which surgery is needed in a particular case, it is possible, after consultation and examination.