Tummy tuck before after pictures
Mini tummy tuck will not address upper abdomen
A full tummy tuck will address the excess skin both below and above the belly button. A mini tummy tuck will not address the skin excess above the belly button. Given that you have maintained your weight loss, you are a very good candidate for tummy tuck. The upper abdomen will not have the fold of skin and the skin flap below the belly button will be eliminated.
Make sure you seek consultation with a plastic surgery Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Your doctor can explain the surgery in detail or you can look tummy tuck before after pictures. (Tracy Pfeifer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Excellent job losing and maintaining your weight loss! A full tummy tuck will fix your lower and upper abdomen whereas a mini will leave the upper abdomen unchanged. I think you will be happier with the full abdominoplasty and I would add iliac (flank) liposuction to improve your waist line. Seek out a board certified plastic surgeon, look tummy tuck before after pictures and have a formal consult. (William Koenig, MD, Rochester Plastic Surgeon)
Full tummy tuck is a better answer for you
A full tummy tuck is a significantly more powerful procedure than a mini is. Unfortunately the scar is longer which is why most women wish they could get away with a mini. While we understand this as surgeons we also need to suggest the procedure which will get you a great result. A full tummy tuck removes all of the skin between the pubic area and the belly button and uses the skin in the upper half of the abdomen to resurfacing the entire belly.
This gives you a tight flat belly! A mini only removes a segment of skin in the lower abdomen and will not tighten anything above the belly button. You can see at tummy tuck before after pictures. This is likely to give you a disappointing result based on your weight loss and pregnancies. (Evan Sorokin, MD, Cherry Hill Plastic Surgeon)
You are an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck. You really have too much skin to do a mini. You would not be satisfied. The trade off of the longer scar for the results of a much better result is well worth it for the full tummy tuck. You might also consider a posterior lift or lower body lift.
You would see a fantastic improvement in the contour of the torso. You could truly have your pre pregnancy body back. Alternatively you can have a tummy tuck and liposuction of the hip rolls. You can expect an excellent result. (John P. Stratis, MD, Harrisburg Plastic Surgeon)
You should go for a full tummy tuck, a mini won’t get rid of the fullness over your bellybutton in your case.You are fit, have maintained your weight and should get over your full tummy tuck pretty quickly, but for the result you want, – you are better off opting for a full tummy tuck. (Barbara Jemec, MD, FRCS(Plast), EBOPRAS, London Plastic Surgeon)
Excellent full tummy tuck candidate
Less than 5% of tummy tucks should be done as mini’s because this does nothing above the belly button and virtually everybody has issues that would be left uncorrected. Your weight loss and 3 kids have left you with a very nice looking starting point for an expertly done full tummy tuck.
You should see a nice flat tummy after top to bottom and all your exercise will really begin to show results. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
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