Tummy tuck before and after weight loss

I think you are close to ready for your tummy tuck. I would always say lose what weight you can prior to surgery and we will remove all of the loose skin.

This should really improve your appearance. (Sanjay Lalla, MD, FACS, West Orange Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need to lose more weight before I get a tummy tuck and will it fix me?

It sounds like you are fairly close to your regular weight. Congratulations on losing the weight. You will be healthier in the long run having done so.I would recommend that you consult with a plastic surgeon who has experience in the body lift procedures after weight loss.

The Tummy tuck before and after weight loss

I agree with others that it may take several procedures to address all of your areas of looseness, some of which can be done together, others separately. I recommend that patients address the areas that bother them the most and will give them a noticeable “bang for the buck” with the first procedure(s). (Donald Griffin, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

My advice is to get your weight down as low as you comfortably, safely, and in a healthy manner can. That will ensure the most excess skin and tissue can be removed as possible. A full tummy tuck will majorly improve your abdomen but won’t address the area under your bra that wraps around your body – that will need to be addressed at a later date (if you want it to be) with excision of your “bra roll” or with a technique that incorporates a reverse tummy tuck.

You can’t get these surgeries done at the same time because it’s not safe to have that many incisions compromising the blood supply to your skin flap. (J. Garrett Harper, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck before and after weight loss

Tummy tuck surgery before and after weight loss

Remember this surgery is just for molding, so, do you want to be molded at your current weight or would you like to go for the “skinny look”. In my opinion, for your height, between 150 to 170 pounds of body weight is wonderful for body contouring surgery, as the tummy tuck will deem you a flat belly, while liposuction will create a wonderful waistline and get rid of the fat rolls in your back. Now the good thing about your current weight, is that you have enough fat to harvest to mold a nice buttock and fuller hips, giving you a rounder, more aesthetic appearance in your lower body, that contrasted with a slimmer waistline, will give you a nice hourglass shape. So, in conclusion, I think you have a great potential at the moment, but it depends on what you want. (Jose A. Leon, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

After weight loss surgery

First of all, congratulations for the wonderful determination of losing weight. You have become a healthier person.I have observed several features which in my opinion need to be taken care of. You have developed flaccid skin on your abdomen upper, mid and lower, as well on your back (upper, mid and lower).

Tummy tuck operation before and after weight loss

The mid and lower abdomen flaccid skin and the lower back skin will be well treated with a circumferential Tummy Tuck (lower body lift) in order to remove all that skin and make your abdomen look tighter, as well as your butt and lower back, and the muscle repair will help to create a smaller and tapered waist.

Unfortunately the upper abdomen (where the rolls of skin are) would not improve much during Tummy Tuck, because the attachments are to high to the ribs and the tummy tuck undermining is not that high nor that lateral. So that particular area would be improved with a Upper Body Lift but has to be done 6 months after the LBL.

The mid back rolls will improve with liposuction and the upper and mid back saggy skin will improve with a torsoplasty. This is not an easy journey, but at the end it will be worth it. You are not alone! (Laura Carmina Cardenas, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty before and after weight loss

A tummy tuck with liposuction will definitely be enough to “fix” you. Just remember that any more weight loss after the procedure can affect your results and leave you with loose skin. If you have any excess skin on your back side you may benefit from circumferential body lift. (Erika Sato, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Before considering a tummy tuck, you should finishing losing weight and remain stable. Once you have lost the desired weight, a tummy tuck combinded with liposuction will get rid of the loose skin and fat deposits in the abdomen area.

It is important to consult with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon about the procedure. It is important to specify your expectations and what you wish to accomplish from the surgery. (Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Further weight loss helpful but not absolutely needed

A tummy tuck before and after weight loss

You will get a tremendous amount of improvement from body contouring surgery. Careful discussion with your plastic surgeon as to what procedure or procedures would be best for you will be the key to your satisfaction.

An extended tummy tuck will correct most of the skin laxity of your abdomen but I suspect it will not address the folds of tissue just below your breasts. Your plastic surgeon may have his/her own ideal way of addressing this during the same surgery or a second surgery. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)