Tummy tuck belly button pictures
What are your belly button options?
Tummy tucks are an art as much as they are a science. Each plastic surgeon does his belly buttons differently.
Have a conversation with your plastic surgeon, express your feelings and make sure you are on the same page.
Have you looked at his picture book? Find one that you really like and make sure he/she knows it. (Brian Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)
Belly Button and Tummy tuck
A lot of factors go into your final umbilical shape, especially the length of the stalk, thickness of fat, and tension of the skin at closure.
You should discuss your concerns with you PS PREOPERATIVELY and discuss his/her approach to the BB. (Delio Ortegon, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Getting the belly button you want
This is a natural concern. The tiny belly button usually has a round incision that shrinks. The slotted belly button usually was pulled down by tension on the skinA belly button can be designed to be as close as possible to what you want.
Discuss what you would like with your surgeon – and remind her/him before surgery when the markings are being made. Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Shape of belly button after Tummy Tuck?
Factors affecting the shape of your belly button after a TT are many. Mainly tension after closure. Let your PS know of your wishes. In my practice, this can be easily revised in the office under local anesthesia at no charge to you if it is not to your satisfaction after a few months post op TT. (Gary M. Horndeski, MD, Texas Plastic Surgeon)
Many people say that the “slotted” belly button is more youthful and attractive on a slender belly. Ask your BCPS about his/her technique and look at his/her BA photos. You can request a “rounder” belly button but please note that scars heal by contraction and that umbilical shape is difficult to guarantee. (Carlos Burnett, MD, FACS, Westfield Plastic Surgeon)
Natural belly button
Great question and something that deserves attention because after the fact, correction is very difficult if not impossible. Two major factors in hiding the evidence that you have had a tummy tuck is
- a low transverse abdominal scar that lies below the bikini line &
- a natural, pretty belly button.
If fact, it is absolutely possible to make a natural, pretty belly button for sure. The key is in studying the before and after photos of your surgeon so you know what to expect. Ask for photos, if they do not have, then go elsewhere. (Joel Patrick Maier, MD, Cincinnati Plastic Surgeon)
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