Tummy tuck brazilian buttock lift

Tummy Tuck with brazilian buttock lift

From your pictures, it appears that you are a good candidate for the tummy tuck brazilian buttock lift.

However, a physical exam is necessary to appreciate how much fat can be transferred to your buttocks.

I like to take the fat from the abdomen (especially in the part of the belly that will be excised) and from the lower back.

Based on your pictures, and on your desires, you may need additional areas to be used for fat harvest.

This combination of procedures is gaining more popularity and, if you are a good candidate, might benefit you beautifully.

Tummy tuck brazilian buttock lift candidate

I would encourage a visit with a board certified plastic surgeon to ensure your safety and results. (Michael Burgdorf, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

I think you look like a good candidate for brazilian buttock lift and tummy tuck as you are now. Please look at before and after pictures and reviews to make a determination about the best surgeon for you. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

I do not know the office based surgery rules in Tenn. But in Florida only can remove 1 liter fat i lipo with a Tummy tuck. Thus only be able to layer in 500 ccs per side of buttock. Might not be enough, so a secondary lipo with fat grafts would be needed. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery brazilian buttock lift

Based on your photos and the excess skin on the abdomen, you would be considered a good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure. The tummy tuck would also eliminate the bulge at the bottom of your belly by tigtening the muscles with a rectus plication. (Nicholas Tarola, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Candidate for Tummy tuck and Brazilian buttock lift?

Based on your pictures alone, you appear to be a good candidate for a full tummy tuck which will tighten the abdominal skin and muscles. The trade-off is a scar across the lower portion of your abdomen.

As far as the brazilian buttock lift goes, the more fat you can contribute, the better the result. Again, based on your pictures, you don’t appear to have a lot of fat to give to the cause. Contouring of the hips and thighs can sometimes improve the appearance of the buttocks even if the fat removed from these areas is not transferred to the buttocks.

The tummy tuck brazilian buttock lift

I would agree with the other responders that you need to be evaluated by a good, board-certified plastic surgeon, but I’m thinking yes to the tummy tuck, doubtful for a significant difference with the brazilian buttock lift. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

From the looks of the photos, it appears that you can expect a nice outcome with a tummy tuck, tightening the skin, and the underlying abdominal muscle wall. I don’t seem to see enough excess fat for an appreciable enlargement of the buttocks though.

At any rate, an in person evaluation by a plastic surgeon will prove more useful than suggestions based on two dimensional photos. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)