Tummy tuck cream
Is it possible to be satisfied with their appearance, if the stomach does not look as beautiful as you want, and you have to wear swimsuit with hidden stomach on the beach? It’s a shame when you have a great figure and waist, but the skin in the abdominal area looks untidy, inelastic. Creams for tummy tuck and weight loss are designed precisely in order to tummy looked perfect.
Is it possible to achieve an elastic stomach with just a cream?
If for woman is not enough for happiness only elastic tummy, is not be enough only the cream. A tummy tuck cream – is ancillary tool. It does not give to sag skin during a diet and after its completion, it tones and helps to shrink the fibers evenly. But the fat burning properties of creams occur exclusively in conjunction with their physical activity.
How to use the tummy tuck cream?
- You need to apply the cream regularly, ie every day. If you think about it only after Saturday’s sauna – then better do not buy this cosmetic product.
- The cream is applied only on clean skin.
- Rules applying the cream:
You need to stand up straight, strain the belly and gently rub cosmetic product in a clockwise direction using circular massage movements. Then you have to repeat the same steps, but rub a cream counterclockwise. A massage lasts not less than 3-5 minutes. After that, you must wait until the cream is absorbed, and only then get dressed.
Selection of means for skin care
If you purchased a cream for tummy tuck from one manufacturer, scrub to skin from another, and the gel – from the third, the benefits of their use will be small. It is best if all the means for skin care will belong to the same line of cosmetics. It is recommended to buy tummy tuck cream at a pharmacy or the company store.
How to choose a cream
Only by practical consideration you can choose cream for weight loss and skin tightening of the abdomen. Before you buy a cream, is worth reading reviews from those who have already taken advantage of them.
One of the most effective creams for abdominoplasty is considered to be the products of “Biotherm” and “Rodial”.
Anti-cellulite cream is applied at night, incorporates caffeine and seaweed extract, tightens and smoothes the skin. It removes cellulite, does not give to move sugar into fat subcutaneous fat.
Very good reviews about the cream and gel Rodial “cold formula.” It penetrates deep into the tissue, have anti sclerotic effect, relieve swelling. After applying of it, it seems that you put ice cubes on the stomach.
Sensations a little uncomfortable, but after two weeks of regular use, you will see the result. Products of company Rodial have another positive quality: they do not leave stains on clothes.Cream “Fitness” should be used in conjunction with other means of this line. Only then its use is justified. Its operating principle is the same as that of a cream “cold formula”: it tightens and cools. Excellent quality and cheap price – what could be better? It is a pity that the package is small.
Not worth overlook anti-cellulite cream from the company “Garnier”. It contains retinol and caffeine, it has a pleasant smell, does not stain clothes. A month after the application, you can be proud of the smooth skin and taut tummy.
Interesting reviews leave women after the use of a cosmetic cream company “Nivea”. People say that it is perfectly smoothes the skin of the abdomen, and even reduce pain after intensive sports, but as slimming cream it is better not to apply. It causes the skin in order, but you will not get rid from the orange peel.
What contain tummy tuck creams
In cream for a tummy tuck include such substances:
- Caffeine that accelerates the removal of fat from the cells;
- Algae that prevent stretch marks;
- Amino acids that tone the skin;
- Complex vitamins, the main of which – tocopherol;
- Enzymes and fruit acids, which release surface from dead cells.
All other components are the flavors, oils and so on. They help to improve the appearance of the skin surface, but to the process of weight loss have no relationship.
Home cosmetics for tummy tuck
What to do if you want to have a nice tummy, but has no money for expensive creams for weight loss? You can make your own slimming cream, on the basis of cheap cosmetics. We suggest you use a recipe like this: in inexpensive milky lotion need to add cayenne pepper, coffee extract and essential oils of citrus fruits. They are on sale in every pharmacy. Simple and relatively cheap.
A tummy tuck using coffee peeling
About three times a week is worth do peeling the abdomen, and the whole body ideally. This procedure can alternates with honey massage. Scrub it’s best to do while taking a shower. The best means of massage will be brush, which has a wooden paddle or stiff bristles. Coffee peeling can do with mittens for peeling. It can be purchased in the Turkish baths.
For coffee peeling necessary to soap mitt with cream soap or shower gel and sprinkle on top of the coffee grounds. Soap for exfoliation is ready, you need just actively rub whole body until redness. For firming the skin of the abdomen, you must return to this part of the body during regular exfoliation. Coffee peeling can be done both from new and already haggard ground coffee.
Cream for tummy tuck will help to tighten the skin of the abdomen, if in addition to physical activity, to enter into your diet a complex of vitamins and minerals. Unable to cause the skin in order without vitamins A, E, C, and elements such as selenium and magnesium. With regular use of the cream for weight loss you will be able to demonstrate a beautiful belly in a month.
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Tummy tuck cream after surgery
Become increasingly popular variety of creams, ointments and gels from cicatrices and scars after surgery. The main advantage of these drugs is the ability to use them at home, without having to visit a clinic or beauty parlor. They are very easy to use and often sold without prescription in pharmacies or directly from suppliers.
The use of creams that resolves and soften scars, most effective for superficial skin defects. When it comes to more serious damage – come to the forefront stronger methods, such as ultrasound and laser resurfacing or hormone therapy. The use of absorbable ointment in this case it is recommended as an additional tool that can strengthen the result.
In addition, the cream is good for the prevention of scar formation with the appearance of wounds and cuts, as well as situations in which the probably formation of stretch marks – such as a sharp weight gain or pregnancy.
The efficiency of removal of scars using cosmetic products depends on the size of the lesion, the degree of convexity of the surface of the skin, “age” of the scar. Small recent defects are easily corrected, more long-standing and large require long-term therapy with the use of additional methods of treatment.
The choice of the cream is better to carry out under the supervision of a specialist, it will allow individual to choose the most effective drug, avoid allergic reactions and waste of money.
The principles and features of tummy tuck creams
Contemplated means may comprise various surfactants, vitamins, minerals, hormonal agents, essential oils of plants: their composition is quite variable and “work” are also on different principles. But in all cases, creams, ointments and gels act locally without affecting the body as a whole.
The main purpose of these preparations is reduce the size and height of the scar, its lighting, which makes the scar less noticeable, softening and removal of tightness. When used on fresh injuries (fully healed wounds) can prevent further growth of scar tissue, relieve itching and redness.
Depending on the active ingredients, these or other external means normalizes blood circulation, increase the synthesis of collagen, enhance local immunity, have an antibacterial effect, maintains the water balance of the skin.
Choose the best option in each case will help the doctor, after a detailed study of the form and size of the scar formation. Also, it is worth remembering that:
- Normotrophic scars (located at the level of the skin) are easily treated with creams .
- To remove a hypertrophic (above the level of the skin), atrophic (flabby, below the skin) and keloid scars are used combined therapy, which may include the use of both hardware cosmetology together with ointments, and surgical treatment.
- Fresh scars are always much easier to cure than the old, in which metabolic processes virtually stopped. On our site you can also learn more about the tummy tuck scars
Best ointments and creams from tummy tuck scars
It is important to note at once that serious scientific research in comparison the effectiveness of different drugs not carried out. However, some experience gained by physicians and patients, to select multiple unambiguous “favorites”:
- Contractubex. Contains sodium heparin, allantoin, onion extract sulfur. Inhibits the formation of scar tissue, stimulates collagen production, anti-inflammatory action. Effective for removing superficial defects of the skin. To enhance the action recommended to be used in conjunction with ultrasound.
- Kelofibrase. Increases blood circulation in the skin, saturating it with moisture and water balance, has anti-inflammatory action. The main active ingredients are urea and sodium heparin. Can be used for the prevention of stretch marks when weight fluctuations.
- Mederma. By its composition is similar to Contractubex, but does not contain heparin. It is believed that this drug gives very good results in the correction of atrophic scars, stretch marks, but markedly less effective in the case of keloids and hypertrophic scars.
- Kelo-cote. The main active ingredients – polysiloxane and silicon dioxide. Forms on the surface of the scar imperceptible during movement film that protects and heals the tissue for 24 hours. Relieves itching and irritation, feeling of tightness, restores moisture balance, smoothes scars, stop the proliferation of the connective tissue of keloids. Solaire Series has an additional filter against ultraviolet radiation.
- Silicone pads “Spenco”. Almost transparent silicone plate 10×10 cm. Plate is attached to the damaged area of skin with a bandage or plaster. Used to remove all types of scars, duration of treatment depends on the size and maturity of the damage.
- Scarguard. Contains hydrocortisone, silicone and vitamin E. When applied forms a transparent film which compresses the damaged tissue, promote their healing. Film need to be updated 2 times a day throughout the treatment period.
- Dermatix. Contains silicone and silica. As with the previous means, forms a breathable film prevents the surface from mechanical damage. Used for tummy tuck scars of varying difficulty, and also to prevent their formation.
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