Tummy tuck experience by Amber

So by tummy tuck experience, i had extended tt, horizontal and vertical, slight lipo, keep in mind the after pictures were only 2week post op so im still very swollen. how much do you think was removed? weight wise? inches wise. im supposed to find out Friday but im just so curious!


  1. Baja says:

    20. Pds

  2. Amber says:

    oh no i think that’s way to high!

  3. Amber says:

    even with being so swollen that sounds way to high.

  4. Amber says:

    did you look similar to me?

  5. Baja says:

    Yes with the panni. Not so much waist. You had alot of skin removed. I was at goal wt. 157#

  6. Colleen says:

    7 lbs removed and 4 inches off your waist….prob not a good guess…

  7. Baja says:

    I did only to hips and not both ways.

  8. Amber says:

    ohhh ok

  9. Amber says:

    yeah i just don’t think or feel like its 20 lbs i barely feel like its gunna be 10 LOL

  10. Baja says:

    You will be surprised. Did you weigh before and after?

  11. Amber says:

    before 172? maybe i think. and they wont do my after yet because of water retention and swelling.

  12. Baja says:

    As long as you’re happy who cares its only numbers. Feeling pretty and Sexy and confident is the key.

  13. Amber says:

    i know, and i am so much more confident i was just curious LOL

  14. Baja says:


  15. Donna says:

    I wudnt care how much & concentrate on great u look … already !!

  16. Torrie says:

    I say 4 lbs and 10 inches

  17. Torrie says:

    Unless you had oodles of fat behind the skin it won’t weigh much because skin doesn’t weigh hardly anything. Now, that’s not to say you’ve not lost weight in the interim.

  18. Cheryl says:

    6 lbs.

  19. Roni says:


  20. Amber says:

    I had slight lipo done too. so I was just trying to figure out, I go to see dr weds. I was just trying to get guesstimations to see who got closest LOL