Tummy tuck girdle

Tummy tuck girdle is used to help control excessive swelling and edema after surgery. Without one, your swelling will take longer to resolve. I usually have patients wear their post operative compression garment for 3-6 weeks and then transition to a Spanx type garment after this.

Most patients actually prefer to wear the Spanx type light compression for up to 3 months after surgery as they feel more secure in the garment and it helps with the last bit of residual tummy tuck swelling. (Kelly E. Tjelmeland, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

I believe in compression during the early postoperative period. It is a time tested method that compression helps reduce swelling. Think of the last time you sprained an ankle or other joint and how the ACE wrap or other compression added significant comfort by reducing swelling. The same philosophy is true for the swelling that occurs after a tummy tuck.

After tummy tuck girdle

In addition, many patients prefer to wear their binder to act as a “crutch” to their muscle repair. Patients find much improvement and support with the use of a binder during the early postoperative period.

My general recommendations are binder at all times for 3 weeks, followed by Spanx or soft compression for 6 weeks. I will encourage them to use their binder as needed for the first few months when increasing their activity level. Again, I use it as a “crutch” during the healing process. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominal girdle provides patient comfort after a tummy tuck

Tummy tuck girdle after surgery

There is no scientific data to support a mandatory use of an abdominal binder after a tummy tuck, yet I have learned from many of my tummy tuck patients that wearing a binder after surgery makes them feel better, lessens the post op discomfort and is routinely described as “comforting”. In my practice the patients are instructed to wear an abdominal binder for the first two weeks after tummy tuck surgery and then transition to using a tight pair of Spanx. This not only lessens the bulkiness of the tummy tuck girdle, but allows a great choice of colors! (Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Girdle after Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty girdle

While each surgeon has his or her own protocol for managing their postoperative patients, and you should always check with your own surgeon for specific advice on this topic, for perspective, I can share with you that I typically have my patients wear a tummy tuck girdle for about 6 weeks after surgery. In many instances there is still some lingering swelling in the lower abdominal tissues up to 3 months or so, and a gentle compression garment like a Spanx or girdle often helps this to resolve sooner. In the earlier stages when it is difficult to slip into a Spanx garment or girdle, we typically use the standard liposuction garments with bra hooks and zippers for ease of donning, but once the initial swelling and pain have subsided, we’ll go to something a little less bulky and uncomfortable like a Spanx. (Joseph L. Grzeskiewicz, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

I don’t place the garment until 5 to 7 days after tummy tuck surgery, so as to not interfere with blood flow. I then recommend that patients wear the garment for 4 to 6 weeks.
(Daniel Reichner, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck sugery girdle

I usually have my patients wear their binder for about three weeks after surgery (at least one weeks after the drains are removed which ranges from 1-3 weeks usually). After that I encourage my patients to wear their binder when they exercise for another three weeks or so. The more you move around, the more fluid can accumulate in the area for the first several weeks after surgery. (Joshua Korman, MD, Mountain View Plastic Surgeon)

I typical do not use compression until it has been a month from the surgery, and the blood supply to the flap has been allowed to stabilizee. At that point, with the wounds healed, I will place the patient in a tummy tuck girdle if they will benefit from it.

Typically the beneficial effects of compression are maximized if the patient wears the tummy tuck girdle for several months. (Gary Lawton, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck girdle photo

I recommend support garment for 6 weeks after tummy tuck. 3 weeks with a firm support I provide the pt and 3 weeks with shapewear such as spanx. This support helps swelling, but more important supports the muscle tightening until healed. My patients like the support and say it gives them more confidence be more active without feeling they will “tear something up”. (Scott W. Vann, MD, FACS, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)

If your doctor recommends wearing a binder/garment, most of the benefit of wearing it should be done by 3-4 weeks. If you had a hernia or required extensive repair of your abdominal muscle wall, then the tummy tuck girdle may help to re-inforce the area during the initial 6-8 week post-op wound healing period. Most importantly, the garment/binder should fit well and not contribute to irritation. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)

How long do you have to wear a girdle after a tummy tuck?

I instruct my patients to wear an abdominal binder with a layer of topi-foam under the binder for two weeks. At this point, I will switch them to a “spanks-like” clothing for two more weeks. The abdominal binder in conjunction with the topi-foam significantly decreases the swelling and bruising during the first couple of weeks. (Robert Najera, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck girdle usage

A binder/garment is used to compress the skin and muscle and prevent fluid build-up. Garments are generally worn full-time for four weeks and often during your initial return back to exercise. It is always a decision between you and your physician as to when you might move to a Spanx type of binder after your procedure. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)