Tummy tuck gone wrong

Tummy tuck gone wrong bleeding

No doubt that the number of complications depends on the type of tummy tuck. After liposuction there are few, and the largest number after bodylifting and abdominoplasty.

As a rule, there are no significant complications after a tummy tuck. Every year thousands of people undergo successful aesthetic surgery of the abdomen, without experiencing any serious problems and remain pleased with the results. However, any patient who has applied to the surgeon needs to know both the advantages and possible surgical and postoperative risks.

Abdominoplasty gone wrong

Tummy tuck is a great plastic surgery. Hence, a higher risk of complications than in most other plastic surgeries. But generally in healthy individuals complications do not happen.

Gone wrong with healing may occur in smokers and patients with poor blood circulation because separates large area of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Due to inadequate blood supply to the edges of the cut, such as in smokers, it is possible that a piece of skin with underlying fat can wither away. In this case, sometimes it requires a secondary surgery to correct this formed defect.

Tummy tuck gone wrong seroma

For healthy patients the risk of complications is small, for smokers and patients with circulatory problems is much higher, from 2 to 5%. Another factor that increases the risk of complications is the presence of large horizontal scar in the upper abdomen after a previous surgery.

The appearance of the scar after tummy tuck is different in patients, but the scar is usually not noticeable, especially at the outer ends, where the tension of skin is less. Scar may have a tendency to expand in the hairline above the pubis because here the skin is stretched more.

During a tummy tuck between muscle sheath and subcutaneous tissue forms a slit space in which after surgery may accumulate fluid. Within 1-2 days it flows through the drainage tube and then its output is terminated.

Tummy tuck scar gone wrong

Sometimes, however, it continues to build up and after removal of drains, leading to its accumulation – seroma after tummy tuck. The presence of seroma forces to perform punctures during the postoperative period sometimes for 2-3 weeks. Implementation of puncture is painless, but requires visiting of outpatient clinic twice a week.

One of the most common complications, when a tummy tuck gone wrong is a seroma.  Seroma – a fluid accumulation under the skin. To prevent it, use the drain tube, but the liquid can still accumulate. The surgeon removes the serous fluid by outpatient with using a syringe with a needle. This is a painless procedure, because after the surgery the skin of the abdomen for several months loses sensitivity. Sometimes serous fluid needs to be removed several times. Seroma is one of the most common problems faced by patients after correction of the abdomen, but it does not affect the final aesthetic result.

Tummy tuck gone wrong hemorrhage

Smoking, diabetes and obesity significantly increases the risk of skin necrosis, although from this complication no one is immune. At high risk of skin necrosis, surgeon may advise you to give up from tummy tuck or removes less skin, that remaining skin was not tensioned (it will improve its blood circulation). In the latter case an aesthetic effect can be worse. The patient can reduce some of the risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after surgery.

Possible risks and complications is best discuss at consultation with your plastic surgeon.

There is a proverb among surgeons, according to which there are only two types of surgeons and  which have no complications: ones does not carry out surgeries at all, while others are deceiving.

Your plastic surgeon should inform you in detail about the possible complications and their symptoms so that you can promptly recognize them and act accordingly in order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences.

Some of the potential complications when tummy tuck gone wrong:

Tummy tuck gone wrong infection

  • Bleeding. As a rule it can be prevented through timely stop bleeding and compression of blood vessels.
  • Infection. The risk of infection can be reduced by adherence to sterile working conditions, and antibiotic prophylaxis.
  • Reaction to the anesthesia.
  • Delayed wound healing and increased recovery times.
  • Long-term healing of the incision.
  • Damage of adjacent areas (very rare). Abdominal hernia or umbilical hernia may damage the bowel.
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin. Sometimes, after surgery, can accumulate under the skin of the liquid. Its removal is a painless process, but it may take a few extra visits to the plastic surgeon’s office.
  • Postoperative swelling. After the tummy tuck may be certain postoperative swelling. It may be accompanied by minor hemorrhage. In addition, after the surgery is allowed certain compaction of scar. The implications of these changes significantly eliminated within the first weeks after surgery. At this point it is recommended to use a compression bandage, which must be worn for six weeks. However, even then, there may be minor or moderate swelling. Sometimes swelling arise just above the seam , the cause of which is lymphoedema. These swollen lymph nodes are also observed after cesarean section and eventually pass (sometimes for only a few months).
  • Hemorrhage. During the surgery, the wound occurs on a large surface. It is therefore very important to perform hemostasis properly. Due to compression of blood vessels and the installation of drainage, the significant bleedings in patients without coagulation disorders are rare. Small hematomas body removes itself, require large rapid medical intervention.
  • Disturbance of scarring after a tummy tuck. The so-called hypertrophic tummy tuck scars (or in the worst case keloids) can sometimes occur in people with relevant medical disorder.
  • Dog-Ears. More about tummy tuck dog ears.
  • Tummy tuck surgery gone wrong

  • Skin feeling in the scar area. Reasons for deterioration of the sense of touch or numbness average scar area should be identified before the tummy tuck. Complete loss of sensitivity is rare. But above middle area of the scar, numbness may remain on a permanent basis. Often this condition occurs after cesarean section.
  • Corner.  Corner during the tummy tuck is located above the line of of the cut above the pubic area. Here arises the biggest tension, and because there is a high risk of disturbance of wound healing. Minor violation of the regeneration process is associated with a small wound dehiscence in this area. Antiseptic dressings can quickly deal with this problem. Significant disturbance of wound healing occur infrequently. In most cases, this problem affects smokers and patients with diabetes.
  • Break of wound / seam. The seam may be exposed by excessive stress during excessive voltage and mobility of the body and tear. Therefore, especially in the first week after a tummy tuck, you should take care of yourself and maintain a slightly hunched posture.
  • Necrosis of adipose tissue. In heavy smokers may be particularly common situation when in the area of high tension (middle seam) under the influence of nicotine disrupted blood flow to the skin. In this case, the skin may wither away. Depending on the area of damage it may indicate the need for imposition of antiseptic dressings, or even of subsequent surgical correction. Therefore, before and after tummy tuck you should be abandoned from cigarettes.
  • Bleeding and seromas. During tummy tuck, there are wounds to the relatively large surface area. Depending on the individual characteristics, from these wounds can bleed fluid. In most cases, we are not talking about major changes. Sometimes there may be a small or medium-sized seromas, which will eventually disappear. Significant bleeding sometimes may be punctured with using a cannula.
  • Unsatisfactory cosmetic result. During the consultation talks, to avoid disappointment, it is necessary to agree about patient’s expectations and the possible outcome of the surgery. In the event of asymmetry, adverse development of scar is possible assistance through surgical correction.
  • Thrombosis and embolism after abdominoplasty. Recommended prophylaxis of thrombosis by heparin and medical compression stockings.