Tummy tuck images
Tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, what procedure would work best for me?
If you have a large amount of excessive and damaged skin that extends far above the navel.
See a mini tummy tuck images and understand that it would be a serious mistake and a waste of your money.
Get the full tummy tuck or skip the surgery. There are no shortcuts to good results. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Congratulation of your weight loss and for being able to maintain it for so long already. The short answer, is that you would do best with a full tummy tuck.
It would give you the best chance of removing most of the loose skin and give you the best contour. You are correct that the mini has a shorter recovery time but also is limited in how much it can help the extra skin above your belly button.
Best for you to discuss this with your plastic surgeon. (Khashayar Mohebali, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)
Full tummy tuck versus lower body lift
Congrats on losing the weight. With massive weight loss a full tummy tuck is best. It is usually also combined with a posterior lift (backside lift), thus making it a circumfrential body lift (or belt lipectomy, or lower body lift).
The only way to know if you are a candidate for any of these procedures is to see a plastic surgeon for an in person consulation. (Luis H. Macias, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
You need a full tummy tuck. A mini would only remove a small amount of skin from under your belly button and you have a lot above it. You will look amazing with a tummy tuck and the recovery is not bad. I would of course need you to take it easy during your recovery but most of my patients are feeling pretty good after a week – I have a bunch you can talk to about their experience if you like. If you come in for a consult I’ll go over everything with you. I have a lot of patients who are scared of needles etc.
Feel free to look at the tummy tuck images on my website or my reviews. I have a special belly button technique to create a super cute “innie”. (Catherine Huang-Begovic, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
A lot of the “sad face” you’re seeing is due to the excess skin hanging over the top and pulling down the sides of your belly button. (If you just had excess tissue below, it would be more of a “scream” face!) In addition, the amount of excess you have will really require an incision of the length used for a full tummy tuck. And, a full tummy tuck will eliminate a lot more of the stretchmarks. There are a lot of good board certified plastic surgeons in your area that will be able to help you. (It’s not a “fun” operation to have, but I’m confident that you’ll find that the results are well worth it.) (Michael Valdes, MD)
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