Tummy tuck lipo

From viewing your photos I believe a full tummy tuck is needed. Your underlying fascia is weak and needs tightening. (Peter Fisher, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

In my professional opinion I suggest you do a full tummy tuck with muscle repair for the results you are hoping to obtain.

Make sure you see a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in abdominoplasty. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Several tummy tuck options are available for you

Abdominoplasty lipo

Based on your photos alone there are several tummy tuck options available for you.

Which tummy tuck option you will eventually choose is dependent on your goals. A full tummy tuck is certainly possible and will provide the largest amount of correction of the stretch marks present.

If the roundness of your abdomen is your primary concern and your stretch marks are not, an endoscopic tummy tuck can be performed with or without a small incision mini tummy tuck. Take a look at the endoscopic tummy tuck result below to understand what is possible with an endoscopic tummy tuck, however, only a full tummy tuck will remove the largest amount of the stretch marks present. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Full Tummy tuck lipo

Tummy tuck surgery lipo

From your pics it looks like you have a fair amount of bulge around the belly button. This will not improved with a “mini” tummy tuck and in fact may look worse. A full tummy tuck lipo will address your complaints. Make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Adam Saad, MD, Atlantic City Plastic Surgeon)

A full tummy tuck with lipo will give you a better result

The tummy tuck lipo

A mini tummy tuck will not correct looseness of skin around and above the belly button. For the best result a full tummy tuck with possible muscle repair would be your best option. The more weight you can lose before your tummy tuck the better your result will be.

There is a small amount of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen and flanks that will limit the amount of tightening your surgeon can achieve.

Liposuction can also be done during the course of your tummy tuck to improve your results. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Based on the pictures, I recommend a tummy tuck and lipo combination in order to get greater results. (Jaime Campos Leon, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)