Tummy tuck loose skin before and after
Abdominoplasty and Loose Skin
The great thing about abdominoplasty is that you can remove the excess loose skin and hide the scar along the bikini line.
Most patients are very happy with the full tummy tuck because it meets their expectation as to the amount of loose skin removal and it also tightens the entire muscle layer.
The length of the scar usually depends on the amount of loose skin that needs to be removed. Some patients require a scar that wraps around to the back to remove loose skin along the flanks – especially after significant weight loss.
In my experience, good results are usually related to the technique, the amount of loose skin removed and the quality (thickness and elasticity) of the remaining skin.
I recommend that you have a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. They have formal training in abdominoplasty surgery and will help you determine which operation is right for you. (Daniel Reichner, MD)
You should try to visualize or express what is going to make you happy after surgery. There are variations of abdominoplasties that affect different areas and characteristics of your torso with varying risks, side effects, and potential complications.
Having loose skin is part of the equation and can be tightened to various degrees. You may also want to juxtapose the possible surgical changes on your abdomen with the rest of your body to see if the difference may be disproportional or inharmonious.
Each patient will view their body image differently. If you are only concerned are the way your abdomen looks, then some sort of abdominoplasty is bound to help you. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Abdominoplasty will help aged tummy skin, but results may not last as long as in young skin
I agree, an abdominoplasty will tighten even aged tummy skin. As our skin ages, the skin loses elasticity, which is the ability of the skin to snap back or tighten after the skin has been displaced or pulled away from the body. You will get a tighter tummy after abdominoplasty. Older skin that has lost elasticity will become looser after surgery more quickly than younger skin. I would not discourage you however. You will enjoy your new firmer tummy. If you are a smoker, have severe diabetes or other health issues that cause poor circulation, you may not be a candidate for an abdominoplasty. See before and after picture of tummy skin tightening using Slimlipo laser liposuction instead of abdominoplasty in a 70 year old person. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
If you have redundant loose skin in the lower abdomen that would be removed in a tummy tuck, you can get a nice result from having this done. Just understand that it won’t tighten you as much as someone else and won’t have an effect on the rest of your body. It’s all about expectations. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Body lift best for excess skin around the body
If there is excess skin all around the body, you could be a candidate for a body lift. This procedure entails a tummy tuck as well as a body lift. A tummy tuck could still be enough. Your board certified plastic surgeon will be able to help you with this decision. (Hisham Seify, MD, PhD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin is what abdominoplasty was made for
Loose skin from aging, pregnancy, or weight loss, is just what abdominoplasty procedures are designed to correct. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck as it is often called, is also effective at any age. Sometimes it is best to start with a checkup by your family physician and be sure you are in good health. Then look for a board certified plastic surgeon in your area to help you. Your family doctor may have one in mind with a good reputation in your community. You can be a good candidate at any age. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck and loose skin
If you have alot of loose skin around your abdomen and poor muscle tone, you are probably a good candidate for a tummy tuck. If you truly have loose skin everywhere, a circumferential procedure may be better. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck addresses loose skin
- Tummy tuck surgery loose skin before and after
- Tummy tuck operation loose skin before and after
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after pictures
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after photos
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after picture
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after images
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after images of patient
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after image
- Tummy tuck loose skin before and after gallery
- Tummy tuck prcedure loose skin before and after
- The tummy tuck loose skin before and after
- Tummy tuck loose skin before photos
If you have loose skin due to aging, a tummy tuck is a good solution for your abdominal area. It will tighten the skin and improve the shape of your abdomen. You should seek a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to also make sure that you are medically ready for the surgery also as it is a significant procedure. Discuss your expectations for outcome – realistic expectations are very important for postoperative happiness. (Bahram Ghaderi, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)