Tummy tuck male

Tummy Tuck Or Liposuction After Weight Loss In A Male

First congratulations on your weight loss. You have already succeeded where most others have failed. Unfortunately, your skin cannot adjust to the new you.

Inside your skin, there are fibers that act like springs so that when your skin is stretched, it will snap back when released.

When the skin is stretched beyond its limits, then these fibers rip and the skin will not be able to snap back. This is what has happened with your weight gain and now your weight loss.

The treatment of choice is an abdominoplasty and you should be able to get a very good result.

The tummy tuck male

There are no external treatments that can rebuild these damaged fibers inside your skin.

That is not to say that there are not a lot of people out there that will try to sell you a treatment but do your research and I think you will find an abdominoplasty is the correct procedure to address your concerns. (Herluf G. Lund, Jr, MD, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck male will help

Both your chest issues and excess abdominal skin can be dealt with at the same time. You would need an in person consultation to know what is the appropriate surgery for your tummy. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck male vs Lipo

Tummy tuck male photo

I think your loose skin will be best served by a skin removal probable. Sometimes , laser tightening can work, but you may want to discuss this. Laser lipo will heat the skin and may provide up to 20% tightenting. (Thomas T. Jeneby, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

You will need a tummy tuck male.

You have obviously done very well with your weight loss, but have been left with loose skin. A tummy tuck male is the best option. It will address the loose skin, stretch marks and tighten the muscles. Lesser procedures will not be as effective. (Brian Klink, MD, Vacaville Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck male candidate?

Tummy tuck abdominoplasty male

You should be congratulated on what you have achieved with weight loss. It would be in your best interest to be examined in person to give you good advice. Based on your pictures, however I think you will be displeased with the results of liposuction surgery alone. With this operation you will likely be left with irregular/loose skin.

You are, on the other hand, an excellent candidate for tummy tuck surgery. This operation will serve to remove excess/loose skin of the lower abdomen and tighten up abdominal wall muscles that may have spread with weight gain/loss. Please make sure you consult with well experienced board-certified plastic surgeons.  (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck male is needed for this degree of loose skin.

Tummy tuck male picture

You look great and appear to be at or near you ideal body weight. Darn that loose skin that used to house the larger you! Unfortunately, the laxity you presently have means that tummy tuck male is the only option for you here.

Do NOT let anyone sell you any kind of skin tightening or liposuction procedures – they will all FAIL in this situation! You require tummy tuck with probable rectus sheath plication and umbilical transposition (“standard” tummy tuck). Anything less will leave you with an unsatisfactory result.

As for your chest, this is an area where perhaps periareolar excision and liposuction around the periphery of your gynecomastia tissue excision can still yield a satisfactory cosmetic result without having to resort to a skin excision and tightening technique.

Direct examination would be helpful in determining this, but ultimately, if you DO require skin excision, make sure your surgeon does NOT use a female breast reduction (inverted-T, anchor, or Wise pattern) technique. You should have the technique I utilize for female-to-male transgender patients, including proper nipple-areola placement and size to match masculine anatomy, not female! (Richard H. Tholen, MD, FACS, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)