Tummy tuck new belly button

Tummy Tuck / Belly Button

The new belly button location varies from person to person. The most common location is in the midline at the same horizontal level of the upper iliac crests (the upper lateral aspect of the pelvic bones).

In a tummy tuck the new belly button is simply brought out exactly where it lies underneath the stretched/tightened abdominal skin. There are many ways to make the “hole” for the belly button.

Ask your surgeon about this. Some techniques create a very natural appearing of new belly button, and other techniques can create an unnatural look. (Jeffrey K. Scott, MD, Sarasota Plastic Surgeon)

Position of tummy tuck new belly button

Tummy tuck new belly button picture

Not a difficult thing to decide on. The new belly button is usually cut out while the tummy tuck is being performed a new position is created in the tummy flap and roughly measured at the level of the hips and the midline of the body. (Stephen Salerno, MBBS, FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

How Does a Surgeon Know Where to Cut the Hole for the New Belly Button?

Early in the procedure, an incision is made around the navel, and it stays where it started. Later, after the skin and fat has been lifted, pulled down and the excess trimmed, the closure is started in the deeper layer. After a few sutures are placed, the position of the navel is identified and the incision in the skin over the navel is marked, and that is the a hole is made through which is delivered the navel, to be sutured in place. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Locating the belly button in tummy tuck

Tummy tuck new belly button photo

It is a bit tricky to picture, but the belly button is left attached so its location does not change. The skin below the belly button is removed, and as you know the skin of the upper abdomen is pulled down to cover that area. Before sewing it down, it is easy to project where the belly button hole needs to be and that part of the operation is done before everything is sewn together at the bottom. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

n tummy tuck, belly button looks best higher than the hip bones.

In general, higher is better than lower for belly button position. You also want to bring it out in a place that will avoid tension (pulling). (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)