Tummy tuck procedure explained

Abdominoplasty and tummy tuck operations by non plasticsurgeons

Ob/gyn may be qualified to remove some skin above your c section but they are not trained nor board certified to do a correct tummy tuck procedure despite what they say. I would have a consult with a plastic surgeon to get their opinion about exactly what you need to have done. (Jed H. Horowitz, MD, FACS)

Tummy tucks procedure by non plastic surgeons?

All surgeons have complications when they operate. Specialized training help to minimize your risks and we are trained to handle the problems if and when they occur.

A tummy tuck procedure explained

Your own apprehension speaks volumes. Seek a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon for another opinion. My dentist father-in-law “helped” me fix a leaky faucet a few weeks ago. He thought it would be easy. We sure made that plumber I eventually had to call laugh at us(Craig Harrison, MD, PA, Tyler Plastic Surgeon)

Ob Gyn doing plastic surgery / Inexperienced surgeon doing surgery for convenience

Based on your comments alone, i would not have the Ob -Gyn do your plastic surgery. I realize that seems biased, so let me explain. I do not recommend specialists operating out of their specialty. The usual reason they do so is financial. Having said that, I am certain that there are some OB-Gyn surgeons who just might do a reasonable tummy tuck. However, they must know all the caveats of complications and have the training and experience to pull this off.

Abdominoplasty procedure explained

The question to ask yourself is if they can perform it as well as a board certified plastic surgeon who does several per month or several per week. I am sure you would prefer to have the most experienced hands working on you. However, I understand how this occurs. It is convenient and less expensive. I fully realize it is tempting.

However such a decision is very often regretted. This is your body and you only have one. I believe you are worth getting the best surgeon to do it for you. The reason I believe your current surgeon would concern me doing a tummy tuck procedure is his comment about focusing on lower abdomen and not dealing with the belly button. If you excise the lower skin in a tummy tuck, where do you think the skin is coming from to cover that excision? The answer is the upper abdominal skin.

If you tighten the muscles in a standard tummy tuck after kids, what is he going to do with the lax upper abdominal muscles? If he doesn’t deal with the upper abdomen, he will not be able to tighten your entire abdomen and that will result in a suboptimal outcome.

The tummy tuck procedure explained

Many patients focus on the lower abdomen but you must have some excess skin in the upper abdomen to close the defect. It sounds like he will simply excise some lower skin and not deal with reconstructing your belly button.

This certainly keeps things simple. However, your best result will most likely be accomplished with a full abdominoplasty by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon. (Jay Burns, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Very few well trained plastic surgeons will do any type of tummy tuck within several months of a delivery. So if someone offers that procedure it would make me think they have little understanding of what is entailed in the procedure. Maybe tell your Ob-Gyn you will be happy to let him do the procedure as long as he is willing to pay all your expenses to have it corrected at a later date.

Tummy tuck procedure explained image

I think you will see some very fast backpedaling. I have to wonder about the ethics involved in talking a patient into something like this. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Ob-gyn and tummy tuck procedure explained

I would not let a plastic surgeon deliver my baby and I would not let a gynecologist do what a plastic surgeon does. Do yourself a huge favor and see a board certified plastic surgeon who will do the tummy tuck procedure in the proper way (usually involving the belly button and some lipo contouring). It would be hard to find a plastic surgeon who is willing to fix his mistakes down the line. (Tiffany McCormack, MD, Reno Plastic Surgeon)

Your obstetrician is undoubtedly very good at delivering babies and doing gynecology. However, he does not have any of the training or experience required to get you the best result from your abdominoplasty surgery. Doctors sometimes suffer from the “I’m a doctor – I can do anything” syndrome.

Tummy tuck procedure explained photo

In fact we are expert only in our narrow areas of specialization and should ask other experts to help us with issues outside our specialties. See a plastic surgeon and have a real abdominoplasty. (Eric Pugash, MD, Vancouver Plastic Surgeon)

In general, I would recommend that those doing specific surgical procedures be well trained and experienced in doing so. While your OB/GYN may “feel comfortable” doing your tummy tuck, it does not appear from your comments that he is very experienced with this procedure. I would strongly encourage you to seek an opinion in your area from a Board Certified plastic surgeon who might work with your OB/GYN. Performing a procedure like a tummy tuck usually requires skill with the entire abdomen as well as liposuction, something that you state that your OB/GYN does not have. (Eric T. Emerson, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Recent article out of England says that 20% of plastic surgery patients are unhappy with the results. Guess why? Mostly because of practicioners who venture out of their scope of practice and “dabble” in plastic surgery.

This cannot be learned in weekend courses, but greed is more powerful than clear judgement! I just attended a conference in Las Vegas put on by Cosmetogynecologists. A new specialty. Gynecologist doing tummy tucks, breast augmentations, liposuction, etc.

I must add that as a board certified plastic surgeon viewing their presentation and before and after photos, made me sick. Very substandard results. If I were you, I would be nervous too. He is a ob-gyn and is soliciting and offering to do plastic surgery on you with limitatations. See a board certified plastic surgeon before you commit your body for experimental surgery from your ob-gyn.(George Marosan, MD, Bellevue Plastic Surgeon)