Tummy tuck recovery swelling

As with all large procedures the swelling after an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can take a long time to resolve. I use PTS (progressive tension sutures) when closing the abdominal flap and this leads to quicker resolution of the swelling.

The amount of swelling – and how long it will last- depends on whether you had a tummy tuck alone or in combination with other procedures such as liposuction. A lot of swelling will go down after 2 months, but it can take 6-12 weeks to see your final results. A tummy tuck can seem like simple removal of skin, but a large portion of the operation is performed on the deep abdominal muscles. This deep swelling is slow to resolve.

Most of the tummy tuck recovery swelling as a result of the tummy tuck surgery will resolve within 2 – 3 months. Some swelling over the suture line may persist for 12 – 18 months. Many factors affect swelling, the patients age, the technique used, drains or no drains, the patient’s activity etc. Typically 80 to 90 percent of the swelling goes down by 6 to 8 weeks. The remainder could take up to a year.

Abdominoplasty surgery recovery swelling

The majority of your swelling after a Tummy Tuck resolves 6-8 weeks post surgery, however, you will continue to notice changes in swelling, overal body contouring and scar healing for up to one year.

Everyone is different, and everyone’s body responds differently to surgery. In addition, the more extensive a tummy tuck you have, the greater the duration of swelling you should expect. Someone with a mini-tummy tuck should expect to experience less swelling for a shorter duration that someone with a circumferential body-lift, for example.

Nonetheless, generally people notice resolution of most of their swelling by 6 weeks. I have patients wear SPANX to help speed swelling resolution. The final result, however, won’t be seen until about a year after surgery. Practically, however, you should expect to be happy with your results by 6-12 weeks.

The tummy tuck recovery swelling

Unfortunately swelling after a tummy tuck can linger weeks and months and there is not much you can do about it but just let the body take care of it. Do make sure you don’t have a seroma which needs to be aspirated. You have to see your surgeon to know that. As other surgeons have written, the worst swelling is usually done by about 6 – 8 weeks.

Most of the swelling from tummy tuck surgery goes away in three to six weeks. However, there may be residual swelling for as long as three to six months after tummy tuck. Wearing compression garments do help get rid of swelling faster. If your swelling persists for longer, you may have a seroma that needs to be drained or excess fat that should respond to liposuction.

Tummy tuck operation recovery swelling

It can take up to 6 months for all the healing to stabilize, but by about 3 months you should see what your tummy tuck will look like.

In most patients,the swelling from a full abdominoplasty can take three-four months to resolve. It is not unsual to go through various cycles of swelling and resolution in that 3-4 month range, especially as you become more active again.

I typically see some tummy tuck recovery swelling for two to three months. The vast majority of it though passes in the first three to four weeks especially over the belly button.

Tummy tuck recovery swelling image

I am a strong believer in compression garments like girdles and binders to minimize swelling and the discomfort it causes. I believe religious use of compression wear gets you to your near final form the quickest.

It is normal to have swelling after tummy tuck. Although you should have seen some amount of swelling subside for the past 3 weeks, it will take at least 6-8 weeks to have your final swelling to subside.

Depending on whether you also got liposuction and whether you have been wearing a compression garment, it may take a little longer to subside. Be patient. It is a process.

Patients can have swelling after a tummy tuck for 4-6 weeks after a tummy tuck procedures and can be a little longer if significant liposuction is performed during the abdominoplasty.

Tummy tuck recovery swelling photo

Swelling after any surgical procedure can last up to 6 weeks. At this stage, about 90 percent of the swelling will have resolved. The reminder cna take up to 6 months to dissipate.

Swelling is common after surgery, but any excessive swelling should be noted and your doctor should be notified. It is expected that you would have swelling at 3 weeks post op. I have my patients wear a compression garment and or binder for 6 weeks after a tummy tuck. Wearing a compression garment should help you feel better and should help minimize the swelling. Your body will eventually reabsorb the swelling, but this can take months.

Tummy tuck surgery recovery swelling

Part of a tummy tuck procedure usually involves reshaping the belly button. Piercings in this area can be removed at this time.

Most of the swelling after a tummy tuck is gone by 6 weeks but some swelling will last 6 weeks. Final results of any cosmetic plastic surgery however are not fully apparent until about a year.

Be certain that your doctor examines you and determines that you do not have a fluid collection called a seroma beneath the skin-this can cause unusual swelling after a tummy tuck.

I tell patients three months on average. This is dependent on the extent of the surgery. Swelling can persist for up to a year. There is a tremendous improvement between 2 weeks post-op and three months post-op.

Tummy tuck recovery swelling picture

Swelling after tummy tuck surgery varies from patient to patient but on average will last 3-6 months. Most likely, you will see the dramatic results sooner than 3-6 months but know that the swelling will continue to go down during that time period and therefore seeing the final result after 6 months.

it takes months, not three weeks for swelling to go away. This is a big operation and swelling is a multifactorial, normal phenomenon. We will not take pictures of posoperative patients for at least three months and some are still swollen. I recommend compresion therapy for three months after a tummy tuck.

After a tummy tuck most of the swelling typically subsides after 2-3 months, although a small amount of residual swelling can be present for over a year. The area right above the incision is the last place to develop new lymphatic channels, so this area can stay swollen the longest.

Tummy tuck scar recovery swelling

Swelling usually significantly diminishes within 2-3 months depending on the type of tummy tuck procedure you had. There are 3 types of tummy tucks, Mini- tummy tuck, Regular and Extended. It usually take scars a full year to finalize healing.

It is typical to still have some swelling at your stage in recovery from a tummy tuck. You should, however, check with your surgeon to make sure you don’t have fluid collecting under the abdominal skin, called a seroma.

Some degree of swelling after tummy tuck can last up to a year. Of course you will be more swollen for the first several months. In fact, it is very important that you refrain from any vigorous physical activity for the first 2 months after tummy tuck. At that point you can start exercising, but if anything you do results in swelling, you should wait on that activity.

As long as you stay behind this swelling curve, the surgery will continue to heal over the next 6 months. People who try to push through the swelling almost always end up with prolonged healing and can compromise their outcome. It is totally normal to be “larger” after tummy tuck for some time, and patients report they cannot fit into their old clothes. Then, as the swelling goes down, there are remarkable transformations. Just be patient, the swelling will resolve.