Tummy tuck recovery time

I tell my patients that they need at least 4 weeks before traveling after having a tummy tuck. This is cutting it pretty close for you.

If you have any type of complication like wound healing, excess drainage, infection, etc (all of which are pretty rare) it could destroy your vacation.

It’s like Murphy’s law. You would probably be fine if everything goes well, but because you have a nice vacation planned you’re probably going to have a problem. If I were you I would wait. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

How long it takes to recover after a tummy tuck as a function of many things, one of which is what is exactly done. A tummy tuck is a generic term and can encompass many variations. Some patients need/want a lot of muscle tightening and some do not need/want any.

Tummy tuck recovery time images

The less muscle manipulation the less pain and the quicker the tummy tuck recovery time. Recovery also depends on what level of activity you “recover” to. If you want to deep-sea dive and play tennis, it might be a bit early to be back in full swing (pun intended) but if you are simply lying on the beach and watching whales (if there are whales to watch) then it might be ok.

The other thing you have to realize is that unforeseen complications can occur, as your surgeon should explain and these, if they do occur, have the possibility of interfering with your vacation plans. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck recovery time image

If you are planning a relaxing vacation and are only going to be reading and basking in the sun, then 4 weeks is probably a sufficient period of time between your tummy tuck and leaving. If, on the other hand, you plan to be more active then you should wait for your surgery. The other unknown is a delay in wound healing or some other complication which might make you uncomfortable in being so far away. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

When undergoing a full abdominoplasty with muscle plication of the abdominal wall, the tummy tuck recovery time is usually at least 6 weeks. At 4 weeks, you should be ok to go on vacation as long as you rest, take it easy, and do not plan on vigorous excursions or activities. At the one month mark, you will still be swollen, and have intermittent pain/tightness feelings.

Tummy tuck photo recovery time

As long as you are healing fine and do not have any open wounds, then you should be ok as long as you take precautions and do not stress your body too much. (Christopher V. Pelletiere, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck recovery time

Most people are back to work and their activities of daily living at four weeks. Energy levels are still not back to baseline and core exercise is restricted until about 6 weeks. It is not unusual to wake up feeling great but still feel the need to take a nap by mid day. A relaxing restful vacation is not unreasonable but vigorous or strenuous acitivities need to be avoided. This is also based on a normal tummy tuck recovery time without complications which is the norm. A complication, which is infrequent, such as delayed wound healing, infection or fluid collection may take longer than 4 weeks to resolve. I would encourage allowing yourself more time.

The tummy tuck recovery time

If you elect to have your surgery, I would advise getting traveler’s insurance just in case. I would also tell you to place sun block on all of your incisions as they will stain dark brown during this healing period in the tropical Mexican sun. Discuss all these issues with your board certified plastic surgeon to help you make the right decision for you. (Robert W. Kessler, MD, FACS, Corona Del Mar Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck and vacation

Having a tummy tuck and taking a vacation soon afterwards may be tough. However, if things are perfect and you heal well without complications, you should be able to do most light acitivity by 4 weeks. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Full recovery from tummy tuck is usually 6 weeks

Abdominoplasty recovery time

The main issue affecting return to activity following a tummy tuck is healing the muscle repair, which takes 6 weeks. You should feel pretty good within a couple of weeks and be up and around for non-strenuous activities, so a lot depends on what you are planning to do on the vacation. Assuming your trip involves a long plane flight, it is probably wise to wear compression stockings during the flight and make sure you stretch your legs and get up frequently to minimize the risk of blood clots. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Vacation 1 month after tummy tuck

Planning a tummy tuck 1 month after a tummy tuck depends on th the type of the vacation and activities planned. Generally by 3 weeks you can perform light activities. However, it would not be wise or recommended if you were to go water skiing or wind surfing, etc. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Very unpredictable in the amount of healing time. On average you should be OK but there is ALWAYS a chance you will not. Sorry but I would try to change the vacation til Feb. 2011. In my experience, you need at least 2-4 weeks to feel better. i know this from living with my wife after she had surgery. you will probably will not feel “good” for 4-6 weeks , so you are definitely cutting it close. (David A. Lickstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)