Tummy tuck recovery timeline

In the first few days after a complete tummy tuck with tightening of abdominal muscles, you will feel, swollen, uncomfortable and you will need to remain slightly bent over at the hip. Any pain can be controlled with pain pills, muscle relaxants and, in some cases, in-dwelling pain pumps. An in-dwelling pain pump slowly infuses long acting local pain medicine where most of the operating was (in the lower incision area and around the tightened muscles) This helps reduce the pain and makes the patients a lot more comfortable in the first few days after the tummy tuck. All my patients are placed in an abdominal binder or similar compression garment. I keep my patients overnight at the hospital or surgery center. My patients are seen the day after tummy tuck surgery and they are usually discharged to home at that time.

Abdominoplasty recovery timeline

The follow up visits are at one week, two weeks, and every month for about six months. After the procedure I will place two drains inside the abdomen that come out through the skin. Some patients find these drains are the most uncomfortable part of the immediate post op period but these drains are removed once their fluid output is low (one to two weeks) and you can begin to shower. This is usually very helpful in making you more comfortable.

After two weeks you should be walking nearly upright without too much discomfort. I usually advise,depending on the type of job they have, that they be prepared to take two weeks (or more) off of work. I recommend a compression garment and low level of activity for four to six weeks. During this interval all my patients are part of my scar reduction program to make your tummy tuck scars fade as much as possible. You may feel some tightness in your abdomen for several weeks but most of my patients are back to full activity(except sports) in about four weeks.

Photo of tummy tuck recovery timeline

Everyone recovers at a slightly different rate and my descriptions of the time it takes to recover from a tummy tuck are conservative. I am always available for my patients, either before or after their operation to ensure that your tummy tuck experience is as pleasurable as possible.
(Steven M. Katz, MD, Long Island Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck involves removal of excess skin and fat from the tummy and also tightening the underlying abdominal muscles. Many surgeons will use a pain pump for several days after your surgery to help with early post-operative pain. After two weeks most patients are feeling well enough to resume normal activities. It takes 6-8 weeks for full healing of the abdominal wall to occur, so most surgeons recommend not resuming vigorous activities for six weeks. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Scheme tummy tuck recovery timeline

A properly performed tummy tuck by a board certified plastic surgeon with many years of experience in cosmetic surgery and thousands of patients can result in a beautiful outcome with moderate discomfort. The procedure is done in an outpatient surgery center, and the patient can typically return to work at two weeks. We see patients in follow-up at 1 day, 5 days, 7 days, 9 days, 14 days, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, and every year after that forever (all of this is free). Pain is moderate, though pain medicine is provided. It takes about two months before one can resume exercise. Overall, it is a safe operation with high patient satisfaction rates. (Gary Lawton, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

With or without liposuction, most of my patients can return to an office job in 7-10 days, though many plan for 10-14 days to be safe. It seems that many colleagues advocate bending over when walking after surgery but I find that my patients are comfortable standing straight up, even the next day. I believe that this is due to both technique and aftercare. I advocate patients to use a pain pump after a tummy tuck, which significantly decreases abdominal discomfort and is an excellent adjunct to narcotic pain medications.

Table tummy tuck recovery timeline

During an abdominoplasty, excess abdominal skin and associated fat are removed, the abdominal wall is tightened, and liposuction to associated areas is performed. Besides the pain pump, one or two drains will also be placed and the patient is dressed with compression garments. The pain pump is usually in placed for 4-5 days. Tummy tuck drains are in place for 1-2 weeks, with the average time being 9 days. Showering is allowed after the drains are removed, and stretching is recommended. After another week, light exercise is begun with full activities, including cardio and weights, a week or two later. (Gabriel Chiu, DO, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Generally speaking, recovering from a Tummy Tuck can be a bit lengthy but well worth it! I’ve seen men and women recover at different rates. You will often hear that everyone heals differently simply because people are different.
Multiple factors such as: age, health, level of activity, type of job, support/help at home, young children, hygiene, lifestyle, etc. can affect speed of recovery.

Tummy tuck recovery timeline table

I usually tell my patients that they can expect to return to work in 2 weeks (desk job). I’ve had people return to work in 3 days and a few have taken an entire month off.

I like to see my patients every week for the first month, then every other week for 2 weeks, then every 2 weeks for a month. After that, if all is well, patients can come in once a month or once every 2 months until they no longer have any issues. The pain is at its worst the first week post op. I usually instruct my patients to begin a liquid diet (soups and clear fluids) a couple of days before surgery to minimize pain and constipation.

An abdominoplasty is probably the most invasive procedure in cosmetic surgery and as such it does require months of recovery. Most people are back to normal activities after 1-2 months post op. Rest and weight (lifting) restrictions the first few weeks is imperative, Too much activity too soon can lead to the development of seromas, tummy tuck swelling, pain, wound dehisence, etc. So please be kind to yourself and follow your doctor’s post op protocol. (Gary M. Horndeski, MD Texas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck surgery recovery timeline

Recovery from an Abdominoplasty varies depending on what is down. For a full abdominoplasty which would aslo include muscle tightening and liposuction we usually recommend our patients spend one night in our hospital based Plastic Surgery recovery unit. This definitely speeds the recovery as you have a nurse helping you the first night and any medication or assistance is right there for you.

For lesser procedures some patients do well as an outpatient. You can expect at least a week recovery before you are likely to feel like you could return to work (depending on what you do) and another few weeks before you are realistically back getting exercise. Expect 4-6 months before you will really see the final result and another year for maximum improvement in the scar. (G. Wesley Price, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)