Tummy tuck results
The results of the tummy tuck are impressive. No wonder that this surgery remains one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries in recent years. It relieves the patient from excess hanging skin, stretch marks of skin and fat tissues, flabbiness, and restores a muscular corset abdomen.
Today, one of the most popular sections of plastic surgery can be considered a trend called aesthetic medicine. Aesthetic medicine has at its service with all the necessary tools and capabilities in order to once and for all solve the urgent problem and rid you of aesthetic defects, restoring the attractiveness of the patient does not by auto-suggestion, and the enjoyment from the received result.
Since the plastic surgery of the abdomen is a serious surgical procedure on a large surface of the body, the scars remain after it. Exact characteristics of scars can not be accurately determined prior to surgery due to the individual characteristics of scarring. Usually it is hardly noticeable scar around the navel and in the area above the pubis, which disguised by underwear.
Among the complications and side effects of surgery may be called a hematoma, adhesion formation, asymmetry of body contours with exacerbating of obesity, subcutaneous lymph congestion, kidney failure, and other problems of internal organs when you remove unnecessarily large amount of fatty tissue. The incidence of complications depends on the individual patient, the degree of obesity, lifestyle. In humans with obesity of 1-2 degree the complications reach to 10%, with 4 or higher degree is about 60%.
It should be noted also that the plastic aesthetic surgery is not the method of its treatment, and serves only as an auxiliary way to combat obesity, allowing to simulate body contour more aesthetically pleasing. Thus, the identification of the causes of the disease and its treatment is not included in the services of plastic surgeons.
The indications for surgery are sagging and loose skin in the region of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as stretching of the abdominal muscles (diastasis). Apart from aesthetic problem, the stretched muscles lose their functional properties, which leads to the omission of the internal organs. Therefore, manipulation with abdomen can solve many problems of physical and psychological health of the patient.
Abdominoplasty surgery is used in cases where other methods do not give the desired result. Most often, the plastic abdominal wall is required for elderly patient, who rapidly lose weight, or women who have had multiple pregnancies. Obvious examples can serve abdominoplasty belly photos that are posted in this section.
Question about the results of a tummy tuck surgery excites you most. It is closely connected with the question: “And whether or not, is it worth do tummy tuck?». It is understood that in each case, in each situation, the results may be different.
The most popular question during surgery – whether there will be seams. The seam is inevitable, but qualified doctors do it in the natural crease of the skin, invisible under the linen (see. Tummy tuck scar). When transferring the navel remains another circular scar. As it happens, you can look at the tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) photos.
In this article you’ll find photos of results of tummy tuck, as well: the results in 2 months after abdominoplasty, photos of the results an hour after surgery, tummy tuck results in a year, results of tummy tuck, tummy tuck results within 2 years after surgery and others tummy tuck results pictures. These surgery were performed by plastic surgeons from around the world. You’ll find a huge number of tummy tuck results pictures with a detailed description of the surgery.
In order to result of from a tummy tuck was successful is necessary some training.
- For 7-10 days need to abandon the using of aspirin-containing medicines.
- Within 1.5-2 days before surgery drink only water.
- At the time of abdominoplasty you have to be completely healthy.
Duration of treatment – from 1 to 2.5-3 hours. After that you must comply with bed rest during the day and even three days – is in hospital. It is best show the results of abdominoplasty video from our archives.
- Abdominoplasty result image
- Abdominoplasty result
- Abdominoplasty results image
- Abdominoplasty results images
- Abdominoplasty results
- After tummy tuck result
- Avelar tummy tuck result
- Before and after tummy tuck results
- Good tummy tuck results
- Image abdominoplasty results
- Image tummy tuck result
- Image tummy tuck results
- My tummy tuck result
- Partial tummy tuck result
- Photo of result after abdominoplasty
- Photo tummy tuck result
- Photo tummy tuck results
- Picture tummy tuck result
- Result after abdominoplasty
- Result after tummy tuck
- Result of tummy tuck
- Result of tummy tuck
- Result of tummy tuck
- Result of tummy tuck
- Results after tummy tuck
- Results after tummy tuck
- Results of tummy tuck
- Results of tummy tuck
- Results of tummy tuck
- Results of tummy tuck
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty
- Results of tummy tuck
- Results of tummy tuck
- Tummy tuck result
- Tummy tuck result
- Tummy tuck result
- Abdominoplasty result
- Result abdominoplasty
- Abdominoplasty result
- Abdominoplasty result
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty
- TT results
- TT results
- TT results
- Image TT results
- Image TT results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Abdominoplasty results
- Result abdominoplasty
- Result abdominoplasty