Tummy tuck scar

Scar after full tummy tuck

Any surgery is accompanied by scarring. Scar takes the length of a skin wound. That scar is the main disadvantage of many plastic surgeries, where it can not be hidden, or incision is performed in the most conspicuous place. After tummy tuck scars also remain on the skin of the abdomen. The most pronounced and large scars happen with the full tummy tuck.

Less scarring occurs after a smaller volume of interventions, for example, a partial tummy tuck. Most are small and inconspicuous scars are formed after endoscopic tummy tuck.

What is tummy tuck scarring.

Scar after partial tummy tuck

Tummy tuck scar is a dense connective tissue formation, which arose as a result of tissue regeneration after abdominoplasty. Scar tissue is composed primarily of collagen and different by reduced functional properties from the tissues which it replaces. For example, the scars on the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, and sweat glands and hair follicles are not restored in them.

For example, scar in cardiac muscle after a myocardial infarction is not involved in the contraction of the heart and can lead to heart failure. Some tissues, such as bone, can largely recover their structure and function after injury.

Tummy tuck scar picture

By the number of newly formed tissue scars on the skin are divided into hypertrophic and atrophic. At hypertrophic scars formed more new tissue than had been destroyed, so the scar is allocated above the skin surface. At atrophic scars, produce less tissue than was destroyed.

A scar translated from German means tripe on the skin, usually linear, from the the healed wound. In criminalistics scar is one of the distinguishing marks and may be used for identification.

Tummy tuck scar healing

Scar recovery gel

In fact, how much will be noticeable scar after abdominoplasty affect two factors. The second most important factor – the skill of the surgeon that performs surgery. And the main factor – the personal characteristics of the patient’s healing and scarring. If formed a keloid scar (in the worst case) – it does not mean that surgery is performed bad, it means that the human body reacts in this way, any incision heals  so in him. But as a rule, keloid scars are extremely rare, and if there is a keloid disease, the patient is already knows about it by the time when he is ready for tummy tuck, and warns the doctor. Of course, this is one of the contraindications for tummy tuck, as well as to any aesthetic surgery.

The hidden cosmetic seam superimposed by the surgeon at the lower part of the body and after 8 months it becomes practically unnoticeable. Furthermore, a clear advantage of this technique is the fact that the seam is completely closed by undergarments.

W tummy tuck scar

Tummy tuck surgery usually takes 2-3 hours and is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. In the first stage of surgery is performed mobilization of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in a downward direction with the help of a surgical approach, which subsequently “hiding” in the bikini area and is not visible in your underwear, swimsuit. Then is reinforced the aponeurosis (eliminate the discrepancy, muscle diastasis), form the waist, eliminate the “froggy” belly, existing hernia. At the final stage – the excess skin is excised, put subcutaneous drains to prevent bruising and seroma in the early postoperative period.

Scars from tummy tuck

tummy tuck scars picture after 2 years

Scars reach their most expressiveness after 3-6 months after surgery. Then they gradually become less noticeable, pale and compared with the level of the skin. Under tummy tuck, the skin incision is made in the lower abdomen, bikini line, which can be covered by clothing. By endoscopic tummy tuck scar remains in the umbilical region, which makes it invisible.

The scar after a full tummy tuck stretches from one hip to the other in the lower abdomen. The scar remains around the navel (during normal tummy tuck navel “excised”, to form in the new location). These cuts are carried out for the purpose of excision of excess skin, tightening muscles and liposuction. At mini tummy tuck scars are smaller. In this case, scar can be horizontal, below the navel.

There is no scar from the movement of the navel. This is due to the fact that at mini tummy tuck is not carried displacement of navel.

Tummy tuck scar after 1 year

Mini abdominoplasty is carried out to excision of excess skin of the abdomen. Besides scars may remain roughnesses of a skin after liposuction after incisions if this procedure is carried out simultaneously with the tummy tuck.

Never excluded the risk of rough scars or keloids. The first type is usually associated with a variety of post-operative complications such as hematoma, abscess in the wound, the divergence of seams (these complications are very rare).

Keloids usually occur in people with a predisposition to it, so in this case, one should choose methods that are accompanied by minimal scarring.

Aside from scarring, may occur other complications after tummy tuck: swelling and bruising. They can hold up to a month, but usually disappear within 1-2 weeks.

picture of tummy tuck scar

Plastic surgeons during abdominoplasty make scars less visible and carried them so that they can be easily concealed under underwear. Besides, the type of scar by the individual characteristics of patients, the age, the type and degree of elasticity of the skin. Modern medicine offers the most effective means to get rid of scars, such as laser resurfacing and tattoo. The best way to get rid of scars, doctor will pick you. Also on our website you can find a gallery of tummy tuck scar tattoo.

In the clinic, this surgery is performed by highly qualified specialists using the most modern and highly technical equipment according to the method of hidden or invisible seam.