Tummy tuck swelling photos
It will take several weeks before enough swelling goes away for you to get a good idea of how flat your belly will be. You have a very normal appearance so far based on the photo you submitted. The amount of swelling after surgery varies between individuals, but most patients have significant swelling at 10 days post-op. Discuss your concerns with your surgeon and try to give it time.
Thank you for the picture you have sent. What you have may be swelling. However, it is not possible to judge without actually examining you and viewing your pre-op photos. But in general swelling after a tummy tuck can take 6 weeks to subside adequately to view the outcome.
From a single picture 10 day post op I can only make a rough assessment of pre op issue that is the laxity of your muscles caused by aging process and there by the image looks perfectly normal at this stage.If a seroma can not be aspirated at the first attempt its presence can not be excluded by looking at the picture.You need to be clinically examined or have the ultrasound done. Even then one can miss to hit the seroma at times since its fairly deep.The best advice is to keep in touch with your PS and don’t let him feel you don’t trust him.
Based on the information and picture that you provided, it sound like your plastic surgeon did the right things and you just have swelling.
You would need to be examined… if your “distention” is from visceral fat, yes that would be normal…please let me know if I can better help you understand my answer
Tummy tuck swelling photos
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- Tummy tuck swelling scar photos
- Tummy tuck swelling scar picture
- Tummy tuck swelling scar pictures
As with most plastic surgery procedures, it takes a few weeks to see improvement as swelling needs to resolve.