Tummy tuck vs. liposuction

There are a variety of surgical procedures or combinations that can produce good results in patients with abdominal laxity, depending on multiple factors including their anatomy and degree of desired improvement:

A mini tummy tuck, an umbilical float modified tummy tuck, a full abdominoplasty.

Each of these can be performed with or without liposuction and with or without abdominal muscle repair.

They produce different degrees of improvement. Liposuction alone is an alternative for the appropriate patient.

It is advisable that you should wait until you are finished having children before having a tummy tuck with muscle repair.

Tummy tuck surgery vs. liposuction

Following the advice of anyone who would presume to tell you exactly what to do based on two dimensional photos without taking a full medical history, examining you, feeling and assessing your tissue tone, discussing your desired outcome and fully informing you about the pros and cons of each option would not be in your best interest.

Your plastic surgeon should be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and ideally a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). You should discuss your concerns with that surgeon in person.  (Robert Singer, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

The tummy tuck vs. liposuction

Tummy tucks are large procedures that require quite a bit of recovery, you need to be confident about your surgeon and your decision, you do not sound convinced and for your own confidence I would recommend a second opinion. (Jonathan Weiler, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)

Do I really need a Tummy Tuck or could I get optimal results with just Liposuction?

The more important question is are you planning more pregnancies??? If yes than NO to TT but OK to lipo. In my over the internet opinion I would not recommend a Full tummy tuck upon you. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck vs lipo

Abdominoplasty vs. liposuction

Without an exam in person it is hard to say. The tummy tuck will leave a long scar along the upper pubic hairline region but will allow for tightening of the muscles and removal of loose excess skin. Lipo will treat fat just under the skin. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

If you are really unsure about a tummy tuck why rush. Do you plan on having more children? Do you have someone who can take care of the baby you won’t be able to lift for 2-3 weeks? Are you willing to accept a scar that goes from hip to hip? These are the questions you must ask yourself.

My recommendations are no substitute for a in person consultation, but I would suggest other consultations if you have only seen one doctor. In my opinion from your photos multiple areas of liposuction will do you very well and possibly a mini-tummy-tuck if you have a diastasis recti or separation of the abdominal muscles.

Tummy tuck vs. liposuction photo

This only a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon can evaluate. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck or liposuction

I think you are a candidate more for liposuction. This will give you a boost. The liposuction is best done with Vaser Ultrasonic system and very small cannulas. This will help you and you will have a gain with less surgery and less expense. More likely than not you will have more children, so wait and do a tummy tuck after all the kids arrive.

The other consideration is your present life status. If you plan no more kids or plan no kids for 5 to 10 years and is you really want a tummy tuck, it is okay to have one. So there is no absolute answer to your question. Every individual in every life situation is different and this must be considered.  (George Commons, MD, Palo Alto Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck operation vs. liposuction

Based on your photos, you don’t appear to have loose skin or an abdominal bulge from pregnancy. You appear to be a good candidate for liposuction or even non-surgical CoolSculpting. Regardless, click on the Web Reference Link below to confirm your doctor is a board-certified plastic surgeon so they can offer you all options. (Jonathan Kaplan, MD, MPH, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

A tummy tuck surgery is designed to accomplish two main thingsremoval of skintightening of abdominal muscles. Liposuction is designed to reduce subcutaneous (under the skin) fat. You appear to have only a minor amount of loose skin, probably minor amount of loose abdominal wall, and mild amount of excess skin. I think the best thing to do would be to avoid/delay surgery all together and give your body more time to bounce back. Perhaps another year of muscle building and fat burning diet and exercise. I suspect that will be all that you will need. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

What tummy tuck vs. liposuction

It appears that you are an excellent candidate for fine detailed laser liposuction. This means sculpting with very small cannulas after thorough lasering of the fat. You may not even be a candidate for a tummy tuck due to lack of skin excess. (Justin Yovino, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

You certainly look like you do not have a lot of excess skin. Liposuction should work well and if you want a skin tightening procedure at the same time add ThermiTight liposuction to the procedure. Without looking at the mons area I cannot tell if you would benefit from a small mini tummy tuck. Best to you (Constance M. Barone, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Photo of tummy tuck vs lipo

First, while I understand your concerns that lead you to see a plastic surgeon, I think in the range of problems, your abdominal contour issue is a relative small problem. I don’t say this to minimize your concerns, but with a small problem, you are looking at a small benefit with whatever you choose to do.

I think you will receive minimal benefit from an abdominoplasty and that the surgery is “overkill” for your problem. I think you will receive a minimal benefit from liposuction as it does not appear that you have a significant amount of excess subcutaneous fat.

I suspect that liposuction is more likely to get you closer to the result you want. (Eric Desman, MD, Alexandria Plastic Surgeon)

There were certainly been improvement with liposuction. In abdominoplasty progress treatment of excess skin which appears to be minimal in any laxity of the abdominal wall which also appears minimal. Give a difficult decision to make. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

You do not seem to need a tummy tuck (or not even would be able to get one) because you seem to have a good skin firmness and not plenty of fat in your abdominal region. A liposuction would do a good job, but it’s important that the treatment above your umbilicus is very mild to almost no liposuction. If performed, this could cause your belly button to “melt” and have some sort of “sad face” aspect. I believe that your case with liposuction underneath your umbilicus, and the sides your abdomen, plus your flanks and lower back (if desired) could give you a very aesthetic outcome. Hope this clears your mind of doubts. If not, feel free to contact me any time.  (Luis A. Fernandez Goico, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)