Tummy tuck with muscle repair
If you loose 70 lbs or more then then abdominal wall (muscles) will be without tone even though there might not be a separation. I still would recommend a muscle wall plication for the best results (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Is Tummy Tuck Advisable if there’s no Muscle Separation?
Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery will help remove extra skin, any stubborn fatty tissue in the abdomen and may also tighten muscles if needed.
Not all patients require the muscle tightening but will probably benefit from removing extra skin and fat.
It is advisable for you to get as close to your stable goal weight as possible before having the surgery. At that time, meet with a board certified plastic surgeon who will be the best doctor to determine which type of tummy tuck is best for you and if you would benefit from any muscle tightening. Keep up the good work and best of luck with your surgery. (George John Alexander, MD, FACS)
Congratulations on your weight loss. Excess skin can be removed even if muscle separation is not an issue. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Congratulations on your weight loss achievements to date! If you have sagging skin, a Panniculectomy may be in order or possibly an abdominoplasty without the need for muscle repair. Whether you need one or the other would be determined during consultation. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy Tucks and Muscle tightening
The abdominal contour is shaped by a patient’s skin envelope and the muscle tone. If you have loose skin, liposuction alone is usually not the correct procedure because although the fat can be removed, the skin will be too loose and you will not be happy. If your abdominal muscle tone is loose, your abdomen may not look flatter despite performing liposuction.
Other factors besides childbirth can cause you to have loose muscle tone. Tummy Tucks can be performed with skin excision only or muscle tightening can also be performed at the same time. It does take longer to recover from a Tummy Tuck that has muscle tightening but you want a great result that will last and acheive your goals with any surgery. If you do not need muscle tightening your Plastic Surgeon will let you know.
- Tummy tuck with muscle repair image
- Abdominoplasty with muscle repair photo
- Tummy tuck operation with muscle repair
This decision should be made after a thorough consultation with your board-certified Plastic Surgeon that should include a thorough history, examination and discussion of the procedure. It sounds like the determining factor for you will be the need to remove your loose skin and this alone is appropriate for a Tummy Tuck. (Mary Ann Contogiannis, MD, Greensboro Plastic Surgeon)
Repair of separated abdominal muscles is commonly done with a tummy tuck after pregnancy, but not always needed after weight loss. However, with the degree of weight loss that you are accomplishing, it is almost certain that a tummy tuck will be in order to deal with the loose skin. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
It sounds like you will be a great candidate for a TT. Not all abdominoplasties have muscle repair. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
Most women who have had more than one pregnancy will need a muscle repair. It is also possible with weight gain to store enough fat around internal abdominal organs to stretch the abdominal fascia which will then benefit from repair during a tummy tuck procedure. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)