Tummy tuck without muscle repair photos
Tummy tuck usually better with muscle repair
The cost is the same regardless of whether or not the muscle repair is done, but the recovery time is longer if you do.
Though no one can tell for sure by looking at a picture, but with a history of several pregnancies it is very likely that the muscles have separated and your results would not be as good if you forego the repair.
Good plastic surgeons don’t like to do procedures where they know the results will be less than ideal so I expect that you will hear unanimous agreement that the repair should be done. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Bulges need the muscle tightening in a tummy tuck
I really don’t understand all the questions about not doing the muscle part of a tummy tuck. It is quick, easy, and gives a flatter tummy with better functional muscles after healing.
Sure, it hurts a little more but it is worth it. A postpregnancy abdomen virtually always needs some muscle tightening! (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Creating a flat abdomen after a tummy tuck
In most cases, women who have had pregnancies usually require tightening of the muscles as part of the tummy tuck in order to get the best contour possible – this is really a critical step. Simply removing the excess skin and fat usually won’t get you the full benefit, and as with most cosmetic surgery procedures, we want to give you the best chance at an excellent result during your procedure.
I don’t think the cost would be any different, but more importantly, if the muscle is not repaired, there will likely still be a bulge present that often cannot be corrected with exercise alone. (Shahram Salemy, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck without muscle repair photos
You certainly could, but why would you. The difference in cost would not be that great, but more importantly you would not get the benefit of the tummy tuck. You probably have a diastasis or split in the muscle which is the bulge in the middle of your abdomen. Even if you pull the skin tight over 6 months this bulge will re-occur and you will not be happy.
That I can almost guarantee. Have you spoken to a plastic surgeon about this problem? I am sure that almost no reputable plastic surgeon would advise you to do only a skin repair, but I am sure you can find someone who will. (Steven Schuster, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
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