Tummy tuck without surgery

Tummy tuck without surgery

Tummy tuck without surgery (lifting) of the abdomen and sides – is a series of therapeutic modalities or complex medical and cosmetic procedures aimed at tightening the skin in these areas without surgery. Some of these techniques can also be used to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, which is formed in this area as a “life buoy.”

There are several categories of patients for whom surgery for one reason or another is unacceptable, but really want to restore skin youthfulness, its former shape and smartness belly:

  • Patients with contraindications to surgery
  • Patients who for some reason have a fear of the operation (for example, because of possible complications)
  • Patients for whom unacceptable loss of their traditional way of life for the time needed for surgery and rehabilitation period after it.

Tummy tuck without surgery can help you to lose weight quickly

Tummy tuck without surgery – an excellent variant and a good alternative to plastic surgery for the above patients.

Compared with plastic surgery, tummy tuck without surgery by any method has some significant advantages:

  • Fewer contraindications
  • Minimum period of preparation
  • No need for major surgery
  • Minimum anesthesia or complete lack thereof
  • Significantly less time of procedure
  • Significantly minimal discomfort during and after the procedure
  • Fewer complications after the procedure
  • Significantly shorter rehabilitation period after the procedure

Tummy tuck without surgery in the clinic today – it’s a lot of different techniques that can be grouped into the following groups:

Minimally invasive techniques in which small punctures are made instead of large incisions – strand lifting (Aptos, Resorblift, Meso threads).


Hardware methods that use various special equipment for procedure

Tummy tuck without surgery using hardware methods

Beauty massage that uses direct hand physical impact on the stomach area, the side surfaces and the lumbar area or the whole back for better lymphatic drainage and improve blood circulation.

Beauty massage

Cosmetic wrap, for which uses special lifting and anti-cellulite creams and masks.

Body wrap

Tummy tuck without surgery using minimally invasive techniques

Body wrapping

Meso Dissolution

Group of cosmetic procedures, for which do not require serious surgical incisions. Procedures are carried out by injection or small punctures the skin without leaving behind scars.

Such procedures include:

Mesotherapy or Meso Dissolution – tummy tuck without surgery – skin tightening by administering small doses of special drug (or a cocktail of various drugs) into the skin or under the skin to a depth from 1 to 6 millimeters in the problem area.

Using of meso threads for facelift

Administered drugs lead to the disintegration of body fat, stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level that help cleanse the body, improves skin and help get rid of cellulite, some skin diseases or cosmetic flaws.

Tummy tuck without surgery using the filaments: Aptos, Resorblift, Meso threads.

Meso threads

Threads inserted under the skin in problem areas with a special needle and, clinging to the soft tissues, move them into position to form some kind of flexible frame under the skin, attached to the internal soft tissues.

This gives a smoothing of folds, tightening of the skin in problem areas, so that it becomes elastic. In many cases, this procedure is no less effective than the classic plastic surgery.

Tummy tuck without surgery using hardware methods


Apparatus procedures of tummy tuck without surgery in modern cosmetology practiced widely enough. They are presented by a number of techniques, depending on the equipment used:

  • Thermage, Cryothermage
  • Photo or laser lifting
  • Galvanic Therapy
  • Neuromuscular stimulation
  • Electrostimulation
  • Ultrasonic cavitation

Tummy tuck without surgery

Tummy tuck without surgery by using hardware methods – it is handling of special problem areas of the skin by radiation, which penetrates into the skin and affects on subcutaneous soft tissue.

Thereby stimulates the processes which lead to the return of skin elasticity, smoothing, the disappearance of various kinds of cosmetic defects.

These methods differ in the type of used apparatus and form of radiation that affects the skin. All of these techniques in complex, quite in demand in clinics and effectively used in the practice of highly qualified specialists. We will be glad to help to preserve and correction of your silhouette. Build your figure and do tummy tuck without surgery with us.



  1. Linita says:

    am having the hardest time retraining myself to hold my tummy in. I had such a huge overhanging belly for 20 years that it hurt my back to try to hold it in. Now I really want to retrain my body but it is hard to keep remembering. Does anyone have any tips or tricks?

  2. Sarah says:

    Doing exercises that engage your core are best. Remember to stand up tall with good posture. Shoulder blades together. Chin up. Hip tilted back toward your spine. It will take time to retrain.

  3. Michael says:

    One of the purposes of a tuck is to do this for you. The current tucks performed lack this feature. That’s why I invented the hourglasstuck.com

  4. Stephanie says:

    Did you mean you’re having a hard time retraining yourself to NOT hold your tummy in? I thought the surgery would fix that and I’m looking forward to that part of it.

  5. Michael says:

    Stephanie first you must realize that things are spelt the same. Each surgeon will do the tuck differently and we have no idea how well her surgeon did the tuck and he may have not flattened her. Each patient has different abilities. Most women hold their abdominal wall in unconsciously. The hour glass tuck is a procedure that I invented and flattens the abdomen to as well as you sucking it in as hard as you can or better than you can. The current methods of tummy tucks don’t achieve this goal

  6. Linita says:

    I did not unconsciously or even consciously hold my stomach in for 20 years because it was too large and hurt my back to do so. The muscle repair sewed the muscles back together but I am still in the habit of just letting my tummy hang out. I have to retrain myself to hold my stomach in and use correct posture.

  7. Linita says:

    I think it is so much better than before even if I do have to re train myself to hold my tummy in.