Visceral fat surgery

A surplus of visceral fat will compromise the results of an abdominoplasty.

The photograph is not clear enough to make a determination about the amount of visceral fat versus subcutaneous fat.

Flattening abdomen surgically with an abundance of visceral fat will increase intra-abdominal pressure and increases the risk for pulmonary embolism. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Will I get a good result from an abdominoplasty/

After visceral fat surgery

It is impossible to answer your questions without examining you in person. However, from the photos I believe you will benefit from an abdominoplasty and in particular the associated muscle plication.

I would like to learn your height and weight but I would guess that diastasis and not visceral fat is actuallly your problem. If this is adequately repaired you should do well but don’t expect to return to your before pregnancy shape. (David A. Ross, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck results.

It is difficult to assess your situation without actually examining you, but from your description it sounds like much of your problem is diastasis. You should definitely get some improvement from your tummy tuck. (Mark A. Schusterman, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

It is superfitial and visceral fat plus rectus abdominal hernia

During visceral fat surgery

It is both of them plus rectus abdominal muscles diastasis, you should realize to loose at least some 6-8 lbs before surgery, in order to practice

  • Lypo on belly and the whole abdomiNal fat
  • Hernia diastasis corrrection,
  • Tummy tuck surgery.

Tummy tuck and bulge

From the shape of your abdomen, with roundness above the belly button, it does appear that you do have some “visceral fat” which is inside the abdominal wall and would not be corrected by surgery. However it is impossible to know without examining you in person and determining how much of the bulge is due to muscle separation, fat above the muscle (which you can pinch) and what is below.

However, if you are above your ideal weight by more than 15-20 pounds, it would be wise to consider postponing surgery to lose some of the ‘visceral fat” which will improve your results. Generally during tummy tuck less than 5 pounds removed, even with supplemental liposuction. (Thomas A. Mustoe, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)