Walking after tummy tuck surgery photos

Hi guys lol 3 weeks pO yesterday walking to the store turning heads lol









Walking after tummy tuck

Walking after abdominoplasty


  1. Lizette says:

    Wow! Looking good! I’m 3 wks. still in bed, having a rough time.

  2. Lng says:

    I was up walking around since day 6 but slowly…. Everyday I walk around the house more and more this week I was told I didn’t have to use he foam binder but I use it here and there for support. In the mornings it’s still slow and I’m back to being hunched over or when I sit for long periods of time

  3. Jaime says:

    I LOVED IT ! I know you enjoyed it too !

  4. Nixon says:

    I’ve heard of women say they weren’t able to walk upright for four months post tt…is that an exaggeration or is it like that for some? LNG u look great! Does it hurt to walk at all? R u able to stand completely straight?

  5. Lng says:

    I only hunch in the mornings and after sitting for maybe half hour to an hour or more. I took a cab to my 6 day post op DT seattle and I took the bus home (2 busses and walked 20 mins from the bus stop) on that day I walked über slow that day but ever since I just make it a point to get up and walk around get my blood flowing through out my body. Before Tuesday this week anytime I went outside for walks I would wear my foam binder for more support. Now I just stroll along no running or fast walking ( I tried fast walking last week and boy was I swollen later)

    Also at this point I’m smoking MMJ again ( yay!!!) as it dosent hurt to cough or go poop ( tmi i hurled last week and had zero pain) so I’m sure my insides are pretty healed up waiting for the last part of the outside to heal which I will be posting pictures in the other thread where in wearing all black

  6. Arlene says:

    I bet you are, baby!!

  7. Arlene says:

    Four months is ridiculous. I was walking properly at 2 weeks.

  8. Amber says:

    Feels good to be seen after you heal some! Confidence booster for sure! I was always able to stand straight. Got stiff only if I laid around or sat too long