Weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction

In general you may lose between 3 and 8 lbs from a Tummy Tuck especially in my practice as we combine it with a fairly aggressive amount of liposuction. There is a lot of clinical evidence in addition to the thousands of tummy tucks I have performed that has proven to me that it is safe to do aggressive liposuction with a Tummy Tuck. In addition, the immediate improvement in body image you will experience can be such a strong motivator that you may lose an additional 5 -15 lbs from the improvement in your self esteem, natural endorphins and improved body image. This will occur only if you allow it to and do not rely on the surgery as the only source of weight loss.

You would actually lose very little weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction…anywhere from less than a pound to maybe a few pounds if you have significant thickness of fat in the lower tummy. A tummy tuck is designed to remove and tighten excess and loose skin, and only the fat attached to that skin below the belly button that will be redraped and trimmed away will actually be removed. Patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight should do so before their tummy tuck.

Weight loss after tummy tuck surgery and liposuction

Because every patient wants to know, I have always weighed the extra skin removed from a TT. It does vary from patient to patient anywhere from 2-20 lbs. The normal/average patient should expect 4-6lbs removed.

It is important to remember our goal is not to remove as much weight as possible. The goal is to improve your shape as much as possible. I would much rather measure the success of surgery in dress or pant sizes than weight!

A tummy tuck is not really a weight loss procedure. Its job is to contour the body and to remove extra skin. That being said the average weight can range from 2-10 pounds. An ideal tummy tuck would be done when you are at your lowest weight.

The amount of weight lost with a tummy tuck depends on how thick the tissue is in your lower abdomen. The main purpose of a tummy tuck is to improve the contour of the lower abdomen by removing the excess skin and tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction images

The amount of weight that can be lost will vary, but is usually not more than a few pounds. If the procedure is combined with liposuction, you may lose a few more pounds.

Obviously, larger patients will lose more weight from the procedure.

“How much weight will I lose after my tummy tuck?” is probably the most common question I receive in my office. Of course the direct answer depends upon how big you are to start with. You can easily lose anywhere from 2 to 15 pounds from the surgery. It is important to realize however that all of this weight is coming off from one area. While it doesn’t sound like a lot, the next time you go to the grocery store look at how big a pound of ground beef is.

Weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction before

Then picture removing all of that from one area in your stomach. It can make a HUGE difference. The best advice I can give my patients is that tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery. It is a slimming surgery. Even though the pounds lost may be small, the reduction in waist size and appearance can be remarkable.

Tummy tucks are not weight-loss procedures. In fact, most patients only have 1 or 2 pounds of skin and fat removed. Tummy tucks are to tighten things – diet and exercise are for losing weight.

In most tummy tucks, the patients weight doesn’t go down significantly. A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure aimed at repairing stretched out abdominal muscles, remove excess skin and fat, not to reduce one’s weight. The patient is best to be close to their ideal weight before the procedure, so the skin tightness remains after the tummy tuck surgery.

Weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction before and after

The only patients that actually notice a reduction in weight tend to be the ones with a large excess of hanging skin and fat. At times, these resections can be as much as 15 – 20 lbs, but not in the typical tummy tuck.

It depends on how much skin/ fat is removed. The actual weight of the tissues removed at surgery is way less than one expects. Between 5-10 LBS. Only However, the visual improvements gives the illusion of much more weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction…like 15-20 LBS.

Weight loss after abdominoplasty and liposuction

I have removed anywhere from half a pound to over 25 pounds depending on the person. The average patient has about 1-3 pounds of tissue removed. Sometimes liposuction to the abdomen or flanks (love handles) is added for further contouring, and it’s hard to translate that into actual pounds lost.

Because the excess skin and fat is being removed specifically from the waist, and muscle tightening is done at the same time to narrow the waist, there’s a much more dramatic effect than simply losing that amount of weight non-surgically. Patients can lose whole pant sizes once the tummy tuck swelling goes away even when only a pound or two was actually removed in the operating room.

The weight you may lose from a tummy tuck is not that much. Depending on your size, the amount of tissue(skin and fat) removed can range from 1-6 pounds. The surgery is intended to re-contour your abdominal and waist area- the weight loss is merely a side effect. Don’t expect to lose 10 or more pounds from a tummy tuck surgery.

Photo weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction

The key to successful tummy tuck surgery is that you have a healthy and stable diet and exercise regimen before surgery and that you are able to modify your diet based on your activity level after surgery so that you can maintain your weight and result over time. The amount of skin and fat and their actual weight once removed, determines how much weight you will lose during a tummy tuck. When you have your consultation be sure you understand all of these variables so your expectations are met.

The average patient only looses about 2-4 pounds from a tummy tuck. As with most body surgery, a tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. It will not make someone who is obese look skinny.

Sitting after a Brazilian Butt Lift is unfortunately not advised. As the procedure involves the transplant of your own fat tissue, it could be very prone to deformation “crushing” after the operation. Standing or lying on your stomach instead, for about three weeks (depending on your surgeon’s post-op advice) is advised.

After weight loss after tummy tuck and liposuction

This is a better option to maintain the shape you want after the procedure. Sitting straight up, without putting any pressure on the top of the butt, may be possible, but again may result in the fat grafts moving into an undesirable shape.

The more obese you are, the greater the weight of the removed tissue. The range of weights that I have removed span from one pound in a very thin individual to 95 pounds in a morbidly obese individual.

Anywhere from 1 pound to over a hundred pounds. The largest I have performed was just over 55 pounds. When you combine liposuction with the tummy tuck, the weight loss can be much more. A tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure, but when a large amount of weight is removed from the abdominal area a decrease in weight can be obtained.