Weight loss before surgery

Weight loss pills and plastic surgery

My opinion is that weight loss pills are serious and should be managed by an internist or legitimate specialist who will carefully monitor your health during the process.

HCG is not approved and I would discourage its off label use. My professional opinion is that your weight should be stable at the time of surgery.

I believe it is a mistake to try to artificially lose weight before surgery, only to re-gain it afterwards.

This would lead to a huge disappointment. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss medication before surgery

Weight loss before surgery photo

Please be very careful with weight loss drugs before surgery. These medication can be very dangerous and need to be monitored by an expert.

Discuss this with your plastic surgeon before hand. (Miguel Delgado, Jr., MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Don’t have to be at ideal weight to have tummy tuck.

We don’t use weight loss pills and I think most doctors don’t. But you can have a tummy tuck if you are moderately overweight. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Surgery and weight loss pills

Weight loss before surgery picture

Be careful with weight loss medication before any elective surgery. Most anesthesiologists restrict their use for up to two weeks prior to surgery as they can significantly alter the effects of anesthesia making it unsafe.

In my practice if you are a candidate for a tummy tuck, you will not plan to lose weight medically. (Timothy Fee, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Weight Loss pills before Tummy Tuck. Are they necessary?

Weight loss before surgery image

Not only is a weight loss pill not necessary.often times they can be dangerous. I discourage my patients from using any sort of weight loss pill. The best way to achieve healthy weight loss is through proper diet and exercise.

A nutritionist can be helpful in providing proper diet tips. I provide my patients with the framework for what foods are part of a healthy diet, and if they need more information I recommend them to a colleague who is an excellent, trained nutritionist.

You should be at your ideal weight before undergoing a tummy tuck. Severe fluctuations in weight after the surgery can change the way your results look. (David Cangello, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Weight Loss prior to Tummy Tuck

For the best result, you should be at your ideal body weight. If you need to lose weight, seek help from a physician that can monitor your health and weight prior to your tummy tuck. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)