Weight loss from tummy tuck

In general, there is no significant weight loss from tummy tuck. The goal is for improved shape and contour of the abdomen and not necessarily weight loss. That needs to be very clear in the pre-operative consultation and as part of the informed consent of the patient.

The goal for abdominoplasty surgery is both to remove redundant skin and fat and is primarily done is patients that have more redundant skin than fat.

Cosmetic Body shaping proceduers are not weight loss procedures. They are meant to improve your shape, help your clothes fit better and may even help with exercise. That being said, you MAY see a decrease on the scale after tummy tuck surgery. Consider this a bonus to the improved outward appearence you should experience.

Weight loss from tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tucks are body contouring operations, NOT weight loss operations. If you wish to lose weight, consult with your physician and get on a supervised exercise and diet program. It is preferable to lose weight before, rather than after, abdominoplasty, to optimize the amount of skin removal and lower risks of anesthesia or healing complications. Obviously, all matter has weight, so the skin and fat of the resected tissue will have some weight to it, but it is usually less than the patient might be expecting.

Due to the fact that a tummy tuck is more of a reconstructive surgery than for weight loss from tummy tuck, there is no way to determine the approximate amount of weight loss you will experience.

Weight loss from tummy tuck picture

My advice to you is to really work hard at reaching your weight loss goal prior to your surgery. Devise a strict diet and exercise plan, stay hydrated with plenty of fluids, and take the appropriate daily vitamins. I am sure you will look and feel better about yourself knowing you did it on your own and you will put yourself in position to have a great result after the tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck is a good way to contour your abdomen but not a great way to lose weight. Tummy tuck is a contouring procedure where we (plastic surgeons) remove excess lower abdominal skin and fat as well as tightening the muscles. Patients get a great improvement in their contour. The amount of weight that you can lose varies among patients. Some people have very heavy dense fat and others don’t.

Weight loss from tummy tuck before

I have removed as little as less than a pound to over ten pounds of excess skin/fat. However, the patients who are good candidates for tummy tuck have moderate to severe amount of excess skin and mild to moderate amount of excess fat. In addition, excess skin and fat normally do not weigh too much.

Usually, it a fit patient, no more that a pound or so of skin and fat is removed by a tummy tuck. Some patients may have extraordinary amount of excess skin and fat and 10 pounds or more might be removed. So it really depends on where one starts. Look at the gallery on the website listed below to see the variety of patients that have this operation.

Weight loss from abdominoplasty

Typically most people may lose 5 to 10 pounds after a tummy tuck procedure. However, tummy tuck is about removing loose abdominal tissue and restoring your shape and contour. It is not for losing weight. Occasionally it may be performed in weight loss patinets to remove a large pannus that is causing functional issues.

The goal of abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) surgery is not to reduce your weight. The goal is to improve your abdominal contour and waistline by removing excess skin and fat, and tightening any separation between your rectus abdominus muscles.

The actual weight of the tissue removed is much less than you might think because fat weighs less than other tissue like muscle, and only skin and fat are removed in a tummy tuck.

If you are actively trying to lose weight loss from tummy tuck, I would recommend getting down to a stable weight prior to having a tummy tuck. One exception is if you are having difficulty exercising due to a large abdominal pannus, you can have a panniculectomy now to allow you to exercise and fit into clothing. (A panniculectomy is not a tummy tuck. Panniculectomy removes just the overhanging tissue without recontouring the abdomen or tightening the muscles.) Then you can get an abdominoplasty once you are stable at your goal weight.

Surgical weight loss procedures are entirely different, and are known as bariatric surgery. These procedures are performed by general surgeons.

The amount just varies with how much needs to be removed. For some women, it is only 500grams ( a pound). Others it can be up to 20lbs. It all depends on how much excess you have to begin with. I hope this helps.